You And Me: Dakota and Debra

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Carol was startled by the new faces she saw.. Causing her to grab Judith out of the playpen. We followed behind them. "It's alright." I said. Rick locked the cell and put the keys down.

"Who are you people?" Carol asked. They both looked at each other, thinking if they should talk or not.

"I'm Debra, and this is my son Dakota." she said, tightening her weapon. "We're going to have to take those from you, until you gain our trust." Rick said reaching for her shot gun.

"No, I don't think so. We saved your asses back there. Gain your trust? I think we already did." she argued.

" It's my way or the Highway.. We don't know you.. And if you're going to stay here.. I want to make sure my family is comfortable and safe in your presence.. " Rick said calmly..

She sighed pretty pissed off as she handed her shot gun. "Yours too son." my dad said. he hesitated, But handed it too me. He was less stubborn than his mom. I mean I would be too if I were her.

An hour later Debra and Rick were discussing Supply and sleeping arrangements. Dakota just sat there staring at the ground as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. I decided to keep him company so he wouldn't feel so awkward.

"Hi." I said with a smile, and he looked up at me. "Hi " he said plainly with a half smile. "Come with me." I gently pulled his arm all the way to the guard tower.

"Why did we come up here?" He asked, looking around at the open fields. "It's fun being up here, I like it." I smiled, also looking out in the open fields. It was slightly windy up here so it felt great.

"So, I never caught your name." He said, and leaned on the rail, turning to me. I turned to him as well. "I'm Eleanor, but the only people who call me that are my daddy and -- " I stopped myself before I said Maggie's name.
"And who?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said and looked down. I unintentionally made it obvious that I was bothered with what I just said. "Well, how long have you guys been here?" He asked me.
"A couple of months." I replied. "Is it just y'all?" He asked and I nodded. "There were more of us." I sighed.
"Sorry. " he muttered looking back to me.

"How did you and your mom even find this place? " I questioned. "We'd been out on the streets for about 2 weeks. Our home got overrun and I lost my dad. We kind of just stumbled on this place."
He looked back into the field. "I'm sorry about all that." I set my hand on his for comfort and he smiled at me.

Dakota and I were really bonding. He was really nice and fun to talk to
"Expecting company?" Dakota said snapping me out of my thoughts. "What?" I asked.
He pointed to the truck coming. "Oh, those are some people from our group." I said plainly. I walked down from the guard tower as Dakota followed. I opened the gate letting Glenn in. Him and Carl got out of the truck.

"Uh who's this?" Carl asked. "Dakota." Dakota put his hand out to shake Carl's, but Carl didn't find that idea to good.

"Is it just you?" Glenn asked. "No, it's my mom and I." Dakota nodded his head. "If it wasn't for him and his mom, we'd be dead. " I smiled at Dakota.

"Come on" I pulled Dakota, he almost tripped, making us both laugh.

Yeah Carl didn't find it that funny.

Back inside the prison, Glenn and Carl weren't to happy about the situation. "Um dad?" Carl said and Rick walked over to Carl. "Who are they? Why are they here?" Carl was pissed. "They saved us. " Rick answered. "Okay and? You never take chances on new people? Why now?" Rick didn't Answer him, but merely walked away.

Carl saw me talking and laughing with Dakota. enraging him more about the situation. He stormed back to the guard tower, slamming the door hard, getting all of our attention. "Is he okay?" Dakota asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders.

I didn't care..

◄ you and me ◄ carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now