You And Me: So Fragile.

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Carl's POV

"What if we don't find her, dad?"I asked beyond scared. I was really fearing something bad had happened to her. "We're going to find her, Carl." My dad said sounding not so sure.

"If I hadn't pushed her away that one day, she'd still be here. We wouldn't be out like this looking for her. Not knowing if she was dead or alive. If she's hungry or she's scared."

"None of this was your fault son." my dad said and I sighed looking out the window.

For all I know she could have escaped that piece of shit Dakota and she made her way back to the prison, But I could be wrong.

Which gave me the feeling of a stab in the chest.. I just want my baby girl back..

Ella's POV

Please just tell me I'm dead. I want to be dead. Tell me this darkness is my death. Sadly, no wasn't. It was just night time and I was still tied to this disgusting bed.
I don't even want to recount what I just went through an hour ago. I feel useless and I feel gross. I'd rather be dead than relive that moment.

All I could think about was Carl, and that look in his eyes before Dakota took me.

My back was up against the cold headboard of the bed. My legs and all of the above were hurting terribly. I'd kill for some water and food right now.

The door suddenly opened quickly and the skater hair guy came in, untying me and throwing me over his shoulder. Oh great. I wonder what else was going to happen to me.

My eyes squinted at the bright light of the room I was in. The guy sat me down and tied me to a chair.

"Undo those handcuffs, she's no animal." the man from across the table said. His voice sounded really familiar. The guy did as he was told and left the room.
"How are you? " the man sitting across from me asked and I shrugged my shoulder, looking away from him.

"It's very rude not to look at someone when they're speaking to you." He chuckled. "Go to hell." I muttered.

"That's not way to talks to your adults, is it?" he said sternly and I didn't feel like talking. "If you're going to kill me, Just do it. Alright? enough with games." I confidently told this man.

He put his cold hands under my jaw, sliding his hand to my neck. "Hurt something so fragile and beautiful as you? " he replied. I moved my face away in disgust.

A split second after I did so, he grabbed my arm.

Twisting behind my back, slamming me down face first into the table, making me squeal.

" DO IT! JUST DO IT! " I yelled .. Implying for him just to kill me..he lowered down to me and put his lips to my ear " A slow death for killing my brother and nephew would do you well.. " he whispered viciously..


I'm So Sorry, I haven't been updating because I'm In Vegas For A Family Vacation! When I Get Back, I'll Update A LOT! VERY Big THANK YOU To The Lovelies That Have Been Reading, Commenting, And Voting! LOVE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. ❤

◄ you and me ◄ carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now