You And Me: Compromise

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edited december 7th 2016

The group had decided to have a discussion about the prisoners they found within the prison. Carl and I were finally allowed into the adult conversation and that made us feel a lot more mature.

"Rick you know it's not safe to even have them alive. I mean don't you remember what happened at Hatlins? Randall?" Glenn blurted and I turned my head to him.

"We can't just murder them in cold blood, they haven't done anything to us." Rick stated and Carl had his own opinion about the prisoners. "Dad, just kill them already because that's more mouths to feed." My eyes shot a bit wide at Carl's statement.

Lori was startled by Carl's comment as well. "Carl Grimes, don't talk like that." Lori said calmly still in shock about her son's thoughts on the situation.

"Mom, come on. You know it, and so does the rest of the group." Carl argued with his mom

"I beg to differ." T-Dog decided he would butt in. " Yeah well who asked you?" I snapped and Maggie shoved my arm. "Ella watch your mouth." Maggie warned and I rolled my eyes at her. 

"It sounds like we are being talked about?" One of the prisoners walked in on us and we all looked there way.

The five prisoners walked into our Cell Block. Rick, Daryl, Carl and Glenn all stood in a ready stance in front of us. They would take out these prisoners if need be. I didn't want it to come to that point, but I didn't want anybody in my group to be messed with.

"Hey relax, we just wanted to compromise." The long haired prisoner smiled, but I couldn't really tell what it meant.

"Compromise? Compromise about what?" Rick was totally confused and so was I.

"Won't you let us move into your homie little cell block. Ours ain't that homie, and we like it here." Long hair kept talking and looked around some more.

"You've been in this prison longer than us, you don't really need to have a look around." I said and Glenn stood in front of me, trying to hide the fact I was the one that just said that.

"It's ok asian man, I know she's the one that said it. However, she is very right about that." He pointed to me as if I made a point that I hadn't caught on to yet.

"Which means it's only fair that we have what we want and what we want is this cell block." He walked over to me. Glenn, Daryl, and Carl got in front of me and all put their weapons up at him. They were all really protective over me and it was evident. 

"Back off right now." Carl pointed his pistol at the long hair ready to blow him away at any slight movement. I kept eye contact with the prisoner like he did with me. "Cute weapon." He said, referring to my blow poker.

I pushed passed Carl and had it at the prisoner's face. He was smirking at me and I was far too tiny of a person to come off as threatening, sadly.

"Get that shit out of my face." He laughed and snatched my weapon from me. Carl then shot his gun up in the air and made every single person in the room tense up. Obviously he wasn't going to shoot anybody in our group, but he would shoot one of the prisoners.

I snatched my blow poker back from the prisoner.

"Look we didn't come to argue" he pushed Carl's gun away from his face. "Or get shot, but merely just to compromise."

"Why should we help you?" Rick asked him and Daryl agreed. "Yeah why should we?" Daryl added, wanting an answer.

"Supplies?" The long hair asked and yeah we did need supplies.

"We worked hard to clear this cell. You can have any other cell block, and we'll help you guys clear it out." Rick stayed calm and it was nearly hard to do.

"Agreed" The long hair looked at me after. As if I was scared of him in any way at all. I smirked at him because he thought he'd get a rise out of me. "Pathetic." I said to myself and Glenn glared at me.

Rick and Daryl went to reason with the prisoners.

"What the hell is the matter with you Eleanor?" Maggie gripped at me and Glenn sided with her. "He could have hurt you, Ella." Glenn said and I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't let that happen." Carl butted in. If Maggie wanted to come at me with her boyfriend, I was going to do the same with Carl.

"He's a dangerous man, why do you think he's in here?" Maggie went on and on about this. "Maggie I was stating a fact, and I had every right to do that!" I yelled at Maggie and she grabbed me. "You need to watch your mouth, Ella."

Lori tried to settle us down. "Y'all are sisters, all right? That's enough ok?" Lori said and we both nodded our heads. "She's such a bitch sometimes." I whispered to Carl and he gave me a "Stop already" kind of look and I just agreed.

Rick and Daryl came back into the cell block. "So what's the plan?" Lori asked and we were all itching to know what the plan was as well.

"The deal is that we help them clear a cell in exchange for half of their supplies." Rick stated and Carl rolled his eyes at his dad's statement. "When will his agreement be put into action?" Carol asked and we all turned to Rick.

"Tomorrow." Daryl added and we all nodded. Maggie looked at me one more time and then walked away to go to our dad. I rolled my eyes at her and walked up the stairs. 

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