You And Me: Need To Leave.

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edited october 9th 2016

The sun peeked through my cell and that was my cue to get up and start the day. Everybody else was still asleep, and I was going to go and take watch. I grabbed an AK-22 from the weapons area and made my way to the guard tower. It wasn't my shift, but I needed to be there incase Dakota came back. I needed to take watch incase Doug showed up. I had to remind myself almost every minute that Dakota was dead and gone. He was not coming back and I just could not grasp that in my mind. The knowledge of Doug still being alive in my mind also kept Dakota alive in my mind as well.

A good thirty minutes had passed and no sign of another living or walkers. I still wouldn't leave the spot, just to be safe. "Hey there Ella" I hear from the side of me and see Dakota standing there, smiling at me. I dropped to the floor and grabbed my gun pointing it at Dakota. "I'll shoot you! Stay away from me!" I screamed and then I hear another voice, but more familiar. "Ella, what are you doing? Put the gun down now!" the voice that belonged to Carl yelled. I scrunched my eyes shut repeatedly until I saw Carl standing in front of me.

I had my gun pointed directly at Carl, thinking it was Dakota.

I threw the gun to the side and began to shake from the fear I felt. I looked deranged and mental for my actions. "Why on earth were you aiming the gun at me?" Carl grabbed both of my shoulders trying to calm me down. I wanted to cry, but I just could not. I fumbled with words and Carl hugged me. "I know baby, I know." He rubbed my back repeatedly, making me feel so much better. What does Carl know though? That I was pointing the gun at him because I thought that he was Dakota? "You're traumatized and I get that." He moved his fingers in circles on my back. It was the epitome of soothing, not going to lie. I so badly wanted to tell Carl the truth, but could not bring myself to do so.

That afternoon Carl had went on a run with Glenn, and I was not exactly all for it. I wanted him to stay, but I wanted to try and cope on my own. I had to try and cope on my own. I spotted Daryl sitting on the table as he sharpened pieces of branches, I guess to make them into arrows for his famous crossbow. I hadn't really said a lot to him since his brother died. I we were in the exact same boat though. I lost Maggie and he lost Merle, by far the most tragic thing to go through.

"Hey Daryl" I said he looked up at me and back down at his arrows. "Hi" he replied with his raspy voice and didn't say anything else. "How are you?" I asked and he answered back "Better than ever, what about you?" in a sarcastic voice. 

Daryl had an asshole personality, but it was impossible not to love Daryl Dixon.

"I never got a chance to tell you how sorry I was about you brother." I replied and he looked back up at me. His hair was so long and his bangs were even longer. His eyes were hard to see with all that hair he had. "Guess we both know what it's like, huh?" he said referring to Maggie and that stung a bit. "Yeah I guess we do" I answered back and he looked back up at me.

"Somes wrong, ain't it?" he said and put his crossbow down. "Why do you think that?" I asked him and he looked at me. "Been around you long enough to know some ain't right little one." He wasn't wrong at all though

"Rick told me about what happened that day you guys went to look for me and those men tried to kill us all." I said and added "Did you guys kill them all?" I asked and he gave me a dirty look. I was confused as to why I received one.

"Why you worrying about that? Hell I know we live in a world with the drooling fucks crawling around everywhere, but bet your entire ass you're safer with them bastards around than them jackass men that took ya." He said and stood up from the table

"Daryl, did you guys kill them all?" I demanded and answer and he didn't seem too certain about that anymore

"I don't know ok Ella? But they must be lost up here if they think bout coming around here again!" He tried to defend his point and it just was not going to cut it for me.

I shook my head quickly getting aggravated, and Daryl tried to calm me down. He grabbed my shoulders, but I shoved him off. "Don't!" I yelled at him and caught the attention of everybody. Carl and Glenn had just gotten back from their run and they obviously heard me yell as well.

"Ella?" Carl said and I shoved him away as well

"I am so sick, so fucking sick of living with a permanent target on our backs. I know that I am not the only one that feels that way. To be completely honest, I would rather just be dead already than having to watch my back all the time. The world is just too much and I am so sick of it. It's always been too much." I muttered the last part, and Carl came over to me and attempted to hug me again. 

I finally just let him hug me, because who would not want a hug from Carl Grimes?

"Ella is right" Rick said and we all turned to him

"We can't keep having the ones we love and care for in danger like this. I will not have that anymore." Rick was supporting my argument and it felt good know he was on my side about this

"What do you suggest we do then Rick?" Carol asked, holding Judith close

"We need to leave the prison, we need to leave here for good."

We all silently agreed that it was for the best

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