You And Me: Complicated.

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edited march 3rd 2O22

It was finally morning, and the Fact Tegan and I kissed is still bugging the hell out of me.. God if Ella found out?

I felt lips touch my neck and that made me jump a bit. "Aw, did I scare you?" Ella laughed a little and sat down on my lap. I invited her with open arms and kissed her back. "I don't get scared." I held her face with both hands and admired her. I couldn't believe I allowed myself to basically cheat on this amazing woman, last night.

"What are you thinking about in there?" She snapped me from my thoughts and I realized all I had been doing was staring at her. She could catch onto me so well, she knew my body language. I didn't know how I was going to hide this from her.

At the same time, I feel like what Ella doesn't know won't hurt her. Except, I know and it would eventually eat me alive. I was torn at what to do, but I don't want to lose Ella. That's the last thing I would want.

At this point, the group was finally up and ready for the day. We hadn't realized that we were all really low on supplies, including the Howard family. 

"We need to make a run, if not soon, sometime today. We cleared out the store around here, meaning our next move is going to be dangerous. We'll have to make a longer trip out to different stores not necessarily close to us." My dad had the attention of everybody. Collectively we agreed with him.

"I'll go." I volunteered and shortly after, Ella volunteered as well.

"Ella, I don't think that's a good idea." I hated putting this woman in harms way when we absolutely didn't need to. However, she's stubborn and wouldn't just allow me to put myself in danger without her. She was selfless like that, and another reason to truly love her. 

"How about Michonne, Lincoln, Daryl and myself just take this one?" again, we collectively agreed. Mila held onto Lincoln pretty tightly and said her goodbyes. I could tell it bothered my dad a little, and I know as much as I miss my mom. I knew for a fact he missed her as well. 

They group of them had finally left after preparation of supplies and goodbyes.

Ella walked upstairs and I continued behind her. I felt my arm grabbed and that put me to a stop. I turned to see Tegan and I snatched my arm quickly. "What are you doing?" 

She said nothing but attached her lips to mine. "I just wanted another one, can you blame me?"

"Tegan, back off. It was a mistake what happened last night. It can't happen again. Respect that and stay around your group." I set a boundary and the kind of person Tegan seemed to be wouldn't allow something like that, it was evident.

"I could so easily enlighten Ella about our evening, if you like that idea better?"

Had I know that Ryne was eavesdropping on this conversation, I wouldn't have entertained it from the start. I didn't and things were about to get messy, there was nothing I could do to prevent that.

Ella's POV

Once I had entered the room, I realized Carl wasn't following behind me any longer. I turned back to leave the room and was face to face with Ryne. "You scared the shit out of me, dude." I huffed in annoyance. "I'm sorry about that. Do you mind if we talk about something?" Ryne closed the door and I was getting creeped out. "Why'd you shut the door?"

 "It's about Carl." 

"Dude, move from the door." I slightly pleaded and tried to move past him. "Ella, he cheated on you last night with my sister."

I felt my stomach drop so low. I didn't want to believe what I had just heard, but of course I asked him to elaborate. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

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