You And Me: Closure

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edited november 9th 2016

Rick ran over to the door, but I stopped him before he could chase after Carl. "Rick, I'll go." I opened the door and Rick allowed me to do so. I was going to either way, but now Carl won't have two people bitching at him.

"Carl, stop this shit and come back! You don't even know where she went, come back here!" I yelled at him and he kept walking not even turning around to me.

"Carl!" I screamed getting really pissed off. He finally stopped and turned around.

"Ella, I am ending this right now! Michonne is just as big of a threat as The Governor and whoever this Doug bastard is. This has to end, I know it and you know it!"

Carl yelled at the top of his lungs and my face went blank.

"So that's it? You're just going to leave again?"

I got real calm and his expression gradually dropped as well.

"You know what? You do what you want, Carl! I won't continue going back and forth with you."

I screamed at him and he walked back over to me. He stretched his arms out and tried holding me. I shoved him away and he looked shocked now.

"Go." I shoved him back over and over. "Go!" I screamed, and wanted to let a few tears leave at the moment. I hit him in the chest a couple of times before I just fell into his arms. He held me close and he held me tight.

"I'm not going anywhere, Ella." he whispered softly into my ear.

We walked back to the prison not saying one word until we got back inside.

"Carl, you come here! You come here now! " Rick demanded and Carl did as he was told. "Don't you ever talk to me like that again, especially about Shane." Rick pointed his finger in Carl's face. Rick no longer had to bend over to Carl, considering puberty paid Carl a visit. Now Carl was as tall as his dad and there wasn't a doubt he would probably get taller. 

"Don't you feel like you kind of lost the authority to tell me what I can and can't do when you decided to stop being a father and leave us all for days?"

Carl's face was so straight and everybody stood there in disbelief at what he had just said. Carl had a smart ass mouth and we all knew that, but he wrecked Rick with that statement.

With that being said, Carl walked upstairs and shut the door to the cell. Rick looked around like he had no clue what the hell had just happened. I was going to leave Carl alone right now, because I didn't him getting smart with me and my skin also really begged me for a shower.

Daryl had finally fixed the showers and that was an answered prayer. 

I dropped all my clothes from my body and stepped under the warm water. I was at ease with this and it was such a wonderful feeling. It was like a mix of Summer and Christmas, that's how amazing showering felt. 

I slide the bar of soap down my body, along my bruises and stitches. I was very insecure and embarrassed by my body, but I was more upset at the fact that these wounds could have been prevented. 

If we weren't living in the world with The Walking Dead.

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