You And Me: God Help Us.

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"He's going to retaliate"! those screaming words woke me up from my sleep.

Carl wasn't in bed with me like he always was, which was odd.I walked out of my room and looked over the railing. Everybody was awake and discussing, I looked around else where to try and find Carl. He was sitting on the stairs with daisy. I walked down stairs and sat between Carl and Daisy.

"Mrs.Grimes" he pulled me to him and kissed my forehead.

"what's going on? What is he talking about"? I asked, Carl and Daisy both.

"He's not going to let something like that go! He's going to retaliate! And that's putting everybody's life's at Risk! I can't do that to my family"! Rick screamed

"We might be safer outside these walls.". My daddy suggested. "Leaving? No Hershel you and I both know, the governor would be the absolute least of our problems if we left". Rick said, referring to the flesh eating ass wipes outside.

I was done listening to this arguing, and I just wanted to lay back down. "Where you going"? Carl asked, as I left the side of him. "This isn't something I want to hear when I'm not even fully awake". I told Carl, and he got up with me.

"Hey guys" daisy said, catching mine and Carl's attention. "Yeah"? I asked her for the both of us. "I don't know if Rick will kick me out soon, but I just need some where to rest". She said, rubbing her eyes. "You can sleep in my cell" Carl suggested. "With you"? She asked, her eyes almost lighting up.

"He sleeps with me, but you can have his cell. He doesn't use it anymore". I told her, and you could see that brightness in her eyes thrown off.

She just nodded and turned away from us. I gave Carl a " Wtf " look about Daisy.

Morning fell into my window, and I got up from the bed. I stretched, yawned and rubbed my eyes. Then I realized something. I drop to my knees, and grabbed a piece of paper taped under my bed. I looked at it with fear.

My eyes were wide..

I left my cell and ran to carol's, noticing her folding clothes and talking to Judith.

"Is something wrong"? She asked me, obviously knowing something was wrong because I ran over to her cell like a fool.

"I need to confess something".

She patted the bed next to her, I walked over and took a seat.

"I'm 4 days late".

I muttered. She looked me in the eyes.

"Ella, Have you"? she tried to say her sentence short and sweet.

I really didn't want to answer her. But I was going to have to.

"Ella, have you and Carl had sex"? she asked me.

"Once.. But that was like a week ago! " I wanted to pour out tears, because what in the hell I was only 15!

She set the shirt she was folding down, and held her forehead in the palms of her hands.

"I told you sex wasn't a joke, Ella. I told you that when we had the talk. You're only 15, sweetheart".

she was frustrated.

"We hadn't even talked about doing it before, I was trying to comfort him after was happened to Lori and I don't know, it just happened".

"What if I'm pregnant"?

I asked carol, nearly having a panic attack.

Little did I know, daisy was outside of carol's cell where we couldn't see her.. Listening to everything we had just discussed.

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