You And Me: The Strangers

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edited october 8th 2016


It'd been a couple of months. I was now 15 and Carl was now 16. It was crazy to think that at the farm I was only 13 and Carl was 14. Time sure does pass by really fast when the world is nothing anymore. 

Michonne has stuck around in case our famous friend Doug wanted to make an appearance. I felt as though she was making it up, but for some reason I just knew she wasn't and couldn't.

Carl and I avoid each other at all costs. We don't say much to each other unless we really have to. It was for the best and I wasn't ok with it, but we aren't good for each other. I do not think he loves me anymore and I learned to be fine with that. It's sad, but so is the world.

I mean first it was at the farm after he got pissed off at me for blaming Shane for Otis' death, then he shut me because of Dale's death. When we left the farm he turned crazy for no reason and was not the same Carl I adored. When he found out I was pregnant, that didn't turn out great. The split was for the best because we fought too much, and I mean what couple doesn't? 

But we are still teens, we were too young to be fighting and even having a baby. The world has really screwed us up mentally and physically. The split was for the best as much as it pains me to say it.

"I'm going out on a run, anybody have requests?" Carl asked, making us all turn to him. I looked up at him from where I was sitting, feeding Judith. I really needed more toothpaste, but maybe somebody else would ask for some.

"Judith needs more baby food." Carol said, throwing Judith's burping towel over her shoulder and gently taking her from me.

"Can you get more toothpaste, please?" I asked, and he nonchalantly looked my way to acknowledge what I was saying.

"Ella, why don't you go on with him? I don't want him going alone." Rick said, glaring at Carl. "She's busy, so no she can't come." He said to Rick, and looked back at me so I could agree with him.

"Yeah, I have to organize my cell more. Maybe another time." I said, not even wanting to make eye contact with Carl because of how much tension he was causing right now.

"I'll go with him if you don't want him going out alone, it's fine." Glenn said, and started filling a bag with weapons for the trip.

"Hurry up" Carl said as Rick threw him the keys. Glenn and Carl headed out onto the gravel road and were out of sight.

Carl's POV

"You and Ella have been really distant" he asked loading his shot gun. "Oh, you noticed?" I muttered and kept my eyes on the road

"I'm not stupid, yes. Everybody has noticed because you two were attached at the hip, and now you guys barely say a word to each other." 

"Things change and so do people." I said with no emotion. "I wouldn't let her go so easily." Glenn told me and I looked at him

"Why do you say that?" 

"I just wouldn't. I'd give my life just to hear Maggie's voice one more time." Glenn replied, and then that really hit me.

"Truth is, I'm tired of failing her. I'm tired of stressing her out and making her depressed."

"Don't you think failing her is exactly what you're doing?" Glenn asked and I turned back to him because that was such a valid point

Their whole car ride was silence.

Ella's POV

Back at the prison, Carol had started dinner and Judith was walking around with her new working legs. She was such a happy spirit, like the world didn't even effect her. I I doubt she knew what was going on in the first place.

Rick ran through the cell and handed me a gun. "Walkers, a lot!" He said and Carol grabbed Judith. I ran with Rick and Michonne through the halls to clear the walkers.

"Holy shit!" I said shoving them back and seeing so many walkers coming our way

Michonne pulled us all into a room, shutting the door immediately behind us.

I put my hands on my knees breathing really hard. "We ain't having you pass out little one, sit on down." Daryl helped me take a seat and Rick hit the wall with his hand really hard. "Son of a bitch!" He yelled in frustration. I put my arms above my head to help my breathing a bit. It was something Maggie and shown me for my asthma. We then all heard gun shots erupting and then a sudden bang at the door. We all got in position with our weapons and Michonne opened the door.

As the door was opened, behind revealed a blonde woman and a guy in his teens. "Why are you just standing there? Come on! I saw more back that way!" The woman yelled at us and the four of us looked at each other. "Wait, who are you?" Rick asked the question that was on all of our minds.

"Now really isn't the best time for questions." She said as her both her son and herself ran back to the cell block. We followed the two strangers in a bit of confusion.

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