You And Me: Is This It?

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edited october 6th 2016

My eyes opened wide at the response Carl had just given.

An arrow went through The Governor's eye, but not deep enough to kill him. He screamed and walked backwards, holding his eye in pain.

Rick then busted open the door and sent his fists into The Governor's face. Rick repeatedly sent punches into his face, injuring not only The Governor's face, but his own fists from how hard the punches were.

The Governor finally was sent over the railing, but he wasn't the only one. He shoved me back and I too had fallen over the railing. I screamed and grabbed on to the rope that had held Carl awhile ago. "Ella!" Carl yelled and reached for me, but the rope broke and I was now falling.

I was free falling and fell into somebody's pair of arms

It was Daryl

"Saved your ass" he said with pride and a gun shot caught our attention. It was from the top of the tower. Fear caught me, because somebody was shot. Carl, Rick or The Governor had been shot. God, I hoped it was The Governor. A body came flying down right in front of Daryl and I.

It was the governor..

Rick and Carl had run down the stairs and out of the tower. The moment I had seen Carl, I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. "Are you ok? I am so sorry I couldn't get to you faster." He held me tight and he was so heartbroken. He then looked at my busted lip and ran his thumb over it. He had no knowledge about the guy that had beaten the shit out of me and I didn't really want to tell him. "I'm clumsy!" I said and began to tear up. He pulled me back in to a hug and rubbed the back of my head. 

I hate Carl seeing me like this, so beaten by the world. In reality, Carl had seen the full Ella Greene.

"I am so sorry that happened to you" Carl said into my ear, because he knew that yes I was clumsy, but that was not why my lip was busted. 

I looked past Carl and seen Rick and Daryl do a bro hug with each other, and it was so sweet.

I then looked over to the lifeless piece of shit that laid on the ground. I had an immense amount of hatred for The Governor and I let go of Carl. Dead or alive, I was going to give The Governor what he deserved. I grabbed a rock that was nearby and dropped it continuously on his head. I fell to my knees and continued to bash his face in, until his face was no longer traceable.

"That was for my sister, that was for my fucking sister!" I screamed and Carl pulled me up from the ground and held me close. "And for my baby" I said softly to myself.

The four of us had went back up to the tower, due to all of the walkers that had began to swarm Woodbury. It was impossible to go back downstairs and unless there was some magical rope that was going to get us back to the prison, we were done. I didn't cry and I was not scared. If death was coming for us, we could not do anything about the fact that our imminent doom was going to occur whether we were ready or not.

Carl wrapped his arms around me and held me close. If it was our last hug, that was ok. We were going to go together and I was ok with that. I loved Carl more than anything in this world. Both of us, including Rick and Daryl, had experience near death situations one too many times. We were no longer scared anymore of what the world was going to throw our way.

Honking caught our attentions and we looked down to see a truck rip through the walkers. The person in the truck had not yet revealed their self, and we desperately wanted to know who was going to possibly save us from this situation. 

"Jump!" We all heard and realize that it was Glenn

"If anything, it'll be the fall that kills us." I say to the three of them and they all agreed in unison

Daryl didn't take another second to think about jumping, so he then threw himself over the railing. We were shocked at his eagerness and looked over to see if he'd make it into the truck unharmed. "Jump ya big pussies!" He shouts and Rick looked at the both of us worried. "We'll be right behind you dad, we promise." Carl said and hugged his dad

Rick then was the second jumper and I had to admit, I was scared as shit of jumping from here. Not so much dying, but literally jumping from this tower. I had fallen once, and that alone was scary as hell.

Carl pulled me to his chest and looked at me. "Ella Greene, I love you more than anything in this world and if we die I want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You jump, I jump." He was yelling over all of the walkers moans and groans.

"I love you too, Carl!" I said and kissed him, hopefully not for the last time

We stepped up on the railing and looked at each other. Carl looked at me and nodded, and I gulped back fear.

We then jumped from the railing.

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