You And Me: Meet Again

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edited october 19th 2016

I was crying my eyes out into Lori's shirt as she held on to me. "Why would he do that? Why would you let him go, Lori!" I shrieked and she did not say anything to me. She continued to store the back of my hair right now, because I need comfort at this moment.

Lori could not figure out why she let her only child leave us either. "We have to go back." Lori told T-Dog and he looked at her like she had lost her mind. "Back to that herd, girl you done lost your mind." T-Dog said and continued to drive away.

"Back there is where the highway is, that's where Rick and the others will go. I know they will, of you just turn the truck around-

"I'm sorry Lori, but that's suicide and we're not going back." T-Dog had no ounce of genuineness to his apology. 

"My daddy and my sister are back there, your people are back there, Carl is back there!" I screamed at T-Dog finally voicing what I thought to him.

He continued to drive without saying a word to me or ever reacting to what I had just said to him."Ok, let me out then." I grabbed the door handle and yanked it. T-Dog slowed down once he realized how serious I was about getting out and going back for the others. "Girl, what the hell is wrong with you?!" T-Dog questioned me.

"If you are not going to turn around and try to even look for our people, I want out of this truck because that's what I will do on my own!" I screamed at T-Dog who finally gave into my request, reluctantly. He turned the truck around and headed for the highway.

Rick, Carl and my dad stopped on the highway where Rick's group first broke down. 

"We have to stay here."

Carl said breaking the silence that grew among the three of them. "We can't stay here, Carl." Rick protested, even though he did want to stay there in hopes he would find Lori. "Dad, don't say that. We have to stay, Mom, Ella, and the others will come back here. I know they will, please have some faith please." Carl begged and got out of the truck.

Rick and my dad both got out of the truck as well. "We can't stay here, we just can't. It's time to grow up, Carl. This is the reality now and-

"Time to grow up? If I hadn't been there when you killed Shane and he turned into a walker, you'd be dead! Killing somebody I cared about deeply in order to protect somebody else I care about is pretty grown up to me." Carl yelled in his dad's face

"Carl, keep your voice down." My daddy told Carl, not wanting to draw the attention of walkers.

"We just can't leave dad. I thought I had lost you, but you're back. I thought I'd never see Ella again, and I finally did after three years. Don't do this, please." Carl said as tears filled his eyes and Rick looked down. A sound of a bike caught the trios attention. It was Daryl and Carol riding up. Glenn and Maggie came after and finally T-Dog, Lori and myself.

A smile appeared on to Carl's face, as one did for Rick and my daddy. Lori ran out and hugged her family as tight as she could. Maggie ran out to my daddy and hugged him tightly as well. Rick and Daryl clasped hands. I ran out of the truck into my dad and Maggie's arms. "Oh sweetheart, my girls." My daddy was almost in tears.

Carl and I both turned around to each other like it was on cue.

We took no time to run over to each other and he wrapped her arms around my waist as wrapped mine around the back of his neck. He picked me up and spun me around as the butterfly feelings hit my stomach harder than ever. I had the second guy who I cared about greatly back in my arms.

"Carl, I love you too."

I never got to take reply back to him, but finally I was able to.

I continued to hug on to him as he continued to spin me around. I laughed being overjoyed with the feeling being back in his arms. Thinking I could have never seen him again made me feel sick, but I was with Carl Grimes once again.

"How did you know?" Rick said with relief in his voice. "I didn't, but I just figured" Glenn answered with a smile.

"I knew." I let a smile appear as well

"Where's the rest of us?" Daryl asked

Memories then flooded my head of Jimmy, Patricia and Andrea. "I guess we're the only ones who made it this far." Rick said and continued to look around. Lori then stood up and asked Rick 

"Where is Shane?"

The three of us that witnessed Shane's death all looked at each other in unison. 

Rick shook his head


"She saved me and then a walker." Carol didn't feel the need to go on.


I looked down and wanted to cry "They took her right out of my hand, daddy."

"What about Jimmy?" Maggie asked already knowing the answer that was the same for the rest. "RV he was in got overrun." Rick dreaded saying and I dreaded remembering.

"You saw Andrea go down for sure?" Lori questioned Carol

"I heard a gun shot and then the walker fell onto her. Lori, I'm not sure I don't know." Carol finished what she had to say earlier and put her head back down. "I'm going back to look." Daryl said and Rick intervened. "We aren't splitting up anymore."

"If she's still alive Rick, we can't just leave her." Daryl started his bike and was determined to go back and look for Andrea. As thoughtful as it was, I was siding with Rick on this one. "What if she's dead already? Man, you saw how many walkers were back there. You won't come back alive if you go back." T-Dog persuaded Daryl, which led to him turning his bike back of and putting his head down.

"We're not even going to look for her?" Glenn asked with a shocked look on his face. "We're heading to Fort Benning." Rick said

Then a walker started our way.

I pulled the hatchet from Daryl's bike and made my way to the walker swinging the hatchet into the walker's face. 

"This is for Otis, Patricia, Jimmy, Sophia, and Andrea!" 

With every name I called out, the walker received a blow to the face with the hatchet.

I turned back around, only to have everybody's eyes on me. I wiped the hatchet off in the grass and walked back to them. "You're not the only one that's highly pissed off with these things." I slipped the hatchet back into Daryl's bag and intwined my fingers with Carl and got into the truck Rick was driving.

"When did future Mrs.Grimes turn into a badass?" Daryl asked

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