You And Me: His Fate & My Dream.

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I walked downstairs to get the first aide kit for Carl's hand and going unnoticed by the rest of the group.

"He knows where we are!" Shane yelled.
Shane, keep your voice down, he was blind folded the whole time. He is not a threat."

I turned my head in peeked in the dining room still going unnoticed by the adults. "You killed three of their men and took one hostage, but they ain't gunna come look for him." Shane argued. "They left him for dead! " Glenn said back.

"Still ain't gonna stop him from coming back and killing us all. Hell even killing Carl, killing Ella!"Shane added and I'd heard enough honestly.

I quickly grabbed the kit and ran upstairs. Carl was looking at pictures of my mom and I on my bookshelf. He put the picture of my mom and I down and turned to me.

"What's wrong?" he asked concerned. "Nothing, I'm fine." I guess he had the same ability I did, because he could tell my eyes and mouth were telling a different story.

"Ella, don't lie to me." was what he told me.
"That guy they brought, they think he's a threat and. Shane thinks his group would probably come back and kill us." I blurted everything out once again like word vomit.
He held my face with his bloody hand.
"Nobody is going to hurt you, or anybody in this group." he was sincere.
I could see it, remember? I'm good at that stupid stuff.

That day went by beyond fast and it was already the morning of the next day. Rick and Shane took the 'threat' out to leave him some where away from the rest of us.

Carl and I walked around in the field. Just talking, joking, and lots of laughs. It was the first time we actually felt normal. Like we did not need to watch our backs while we were in the field.
The word 'walker' didn't come up at all in our conversation.

Then Rick and Shane came up in the driveway. What'd they do with Randall? Kill him? Leave him for the walkers?

It did not matter to me what they did with him. Rick then pulled him out of the trunk and I knew that was going to cause some problems.

Daryl grabbed Randall from them and they both went into this little brown house I played in as a kid.

God knows how bad Randall will get a beating from Daryl. Daryl isn't exactly the nice kind. Carl looked a little concerned so we went back to their camp.

All of Rick's group were there.

Maggie was there as well, glad to see she's alright. I mean I guess I'm glad to see she's alright, but if she touches me.
"We have no choice, he is a threat. We have to kill him." Rick said. I think Carl and I came at the wrong time.

"Carl, Ella won't you go inside for a-"

"No, we deserve to hear." Carl cut Lori off. Lori's eyes got wide at Carl's disrespect. "You don't want to do this." Dale said knowing that Rick didn't. Rick looked at dale and at me for an odd reason.
I saw in Rick's eyes he did not want to kill Randall.

"Like kill him?" I asked. I then received looks from everybody. "You two should really go inside." Glenn told us. "No. We're not going any where. It's our safety and we deserve to know too." I blurted aloud. "Ella, no. Go in- "

"Maggie, shut up for once." I snapped at her. She was in no position to give me an ultimatum at this moment.

Carl pulled me back away from all them as they continued their conversation about what to do with Randall.

"That is not okay!" I yelled to Carl. "It isn't a bad idea." Carl objected.
"What?" I asked with actual confusion. "Randall is a threat. What if my dad and Shane let him go? Huh? What if he brings back his group? They'll hurt us Ella, they'll hurt you." He told me getting closer an placing his hand under my chin. "If someone hurt you." he said looking into my brown eyes.

Why was Carl so perfect?

We went back into my house and to my room. I laid down next to him. I felt so exhausted, not exhausted from today. Mostly just all this life and death situations that's been going on around here.

Carl played with my hair like I liked till I closed my eyes and fell asleep. He kissed my forehead and left.

••••• d r e a m

"Carl? " my voice echoed.

I looked all around for Carl, but he was just no where to be found. I was out in the woods and the darkness of the night covered the woods perfectly. I turned my head to the snapping of branches.
A figure of a person appeared closer and closer. It was Carl, but not my Carl.

He had turned into a walker and blood was dripping from his mouth. His soothing ocean blue eyes turned into dark red eyes. He moved closer and closer to me. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to believe he was one of those things.

"Carl." I said once more.
Tears rolling down my cheeks.

He grabbed onto me and I still didn't move. I looked up closing my eyes, still crying. All I felt was biting into my neck. I fell to the floor in agonizing pain.
It felt so surreal. He continued to chew down into my neck farther.
I fell back with him still on top of me.
I cried more and more.


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