You And Me: Daisy.

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Edited October 6th 2016

I opened my eyes, seeing my dad and Carl. I finally was fully conscious and Carl was now aware of it. He hurried to the side of my bed and gripped my hand. "Ella, I thought that I had lost you!" Carl said in relief and kissed me on the forehead. I grabbed his face and kissed him on his lips instead.

"I'm still here" my dad said and I completely had forgotten that. It was a tad awkward now and Carl and I apologized in unison. 

My stomach then made that weird feeling once more and I'd shot up out of the bed. I ran outside the cell block, throwing up again.

Carl ran to my side like always and rubbed my back. Throwing up was not exactly a great feeling. " Why do you keep throwing up, Ella?" Carl was confused and I didn't have an exact answer to give him. 

"You don't think you're-

"Carl, no!" I interrupted and he no longer wanted to discuss the situation.

Carl grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the gravel. He kissed the top of my forehead and entwined our hands with one another. We headed back inside the prison, only to see Rick, Glenn, Michonne, and Maggie.

"Maggie thank you god ! " I ran and embraced her. She stroked the back of my hair and silently sobbed. I walked over to Glenn and placed my hand on his beaten up eye. "Glenn, what happened?" I asked and he just shook his head. It was evident that he didn't want to talk about it, and it was understood.

A girl around my age steps out of the vehicle. She looked around at the prison and was smiling to herself.

"Who are you?" I asked and she walked over to me. She put her had out for me to shake and I did so. "My name is Daisy, it's nice to meet you." She seemed nice, but I was not sure if it was a real genuine nice. "Yeah, where did you come from?" I asked and dropped her smiling expression. "I was from California, but my family is gone. I had no where else to go, your people found me." She looked at Rick and smiled

"You're pretty far from home, don't you think?" I rudely asked and received a cold stare from her. Like I really cared for her stares, I've received worse. I moved my stare from her and looked for Daryl. He wasn't anywhere around and bad feelings were being felt inside of me. "Where is Daryl?" I asked. Maggie and Glenn looked at each other and back at me. "He took off with Merle before we left." 

I was upset about Daryl, and I was upset about Glenn. I really didn't give a shit about this Daisy girl because she'll find out not to mess with Carl or I'll have to teach her a lesson. I turned to leave and Maggie called after me."Ella!" she called and I ignored her. "I'll go talk to her." Carl said and turned back to them. "I'm glad you guys are safe, and welcome to the group Daisy." Carl smiled and hurried after me

"Ella, hey come here." Carl called as he followed me into my cell. He put his arms around me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry about Daryl." He said and I turned to him. He readjusted his grip around my waist. "Come here" I said and put my hand behind Carl's neck. I pulled him in for a kiss that did in fact turn into a steamy make out session.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I hear from the side of us and see little Miss. Daisy standing there. She covered her eyes and just stood there. I sighed in frustration and let go of Carl. Can't a girl make out with her guy in peace?

"I didn't mean to interrupt you two, I just needed to talk to you." She pointed to me and I gave her a weird look. Why would she want to talk to me? "What about?" I asked and crossed my arms. "I came along a little strong back there, I just wanted you guys to like me and not throw me out like my last group." She looked down and sighed to herself. "Hey, looked it's ok. I was rude to you for no reason. I'm just going through quite a bit, but we all are. I'm sorry and we won't throw you out like your last group." I smiled at her and she shot one back at me.

"Is it ok if we just start over?" She asked and I nodded to her. "Hi, my name is Ella and that's Carl. He's mine so stay away." I warned trying to make it come off as a joke, but inside I was so serious. Daisy laughed and nodded her head in understanding. "I'm no boyfriend stealer, I swear. Thank you for giving me my first laugh in a long time. I think I'll like it here." Daisy smiled

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