You And Me: Fix You.

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A couple days since the unforgettable incident had passed.

Things were normal, besides the fact I dreamt what would happen. I'm not saying it was a terrible thing. It just scared the hell out of me.

Anyways, the group seems like it's falling apart for some reason. I mean debating wether or not we stay or we move on.

This house with held so many memories.

It was significant to Carl even more, considering the fact that his life was saved by my daddy here.

But I mean, it's where I grew up.

It's tough letting things like that go, but we fooled ourselves into thinking that there'd be a place we could actually call home, and be safe. We can't take much more, mentally and physically we're all drained, tired, worrying 24/7 who's going to go next. You know, maybe my dream held something more than the message that everybody would've been killed, had I not had the dream.

But, when Carl explained to me about what kind of world we're still living in.

Always having to watch our backs, and if we don't, it's a sick and cruel death for us.

I couldn't watch that happen to Sam, Judith or Carl.

It's happened way too many times to the people I loved. I still wonder how I was able to handle those.

But I couldn't watch them die.

I'd done it once with Carl, but my daddy saved him.


The gun shot wound


when his heart stopped

But, My daddy isn't here.

That's something I would never be able to handle.


" We lost a good friend, like a brother to us all.. He was a good man.. He's Part of the reason we're all still here. Glenn had such a good heart, he manage to keep it together when the world threatened to tear us all apart.. Please God, Welcome our Dear friend Glenn Rhee into the gates of your peaceful sanctuary for now and forever.. "

Rick's word fell silent, as we all stood around Glenn's grave.

Judith's eyes wouldn't come off of the grave, she let a little tear fall from her big brown eyes.

She knew what was going on.

She let go of my hand and wiped her baby tears from her cheeks.

It was saddening.

But, nobody's eyes were dry.

Carol was hysterical as she cried into the crook of Daryl's neck.

"Can I say something?"I asked softly.

The silence gave me the "Okay."

"We've all know Glenn for close to three years now. Glenn was amazing. When I first met him, I didn't really know what to think, I knew the second he'd seen Maggie.. He felt something.

We all could see that. He never left her side. When my sister died Glenn lost a piece of him, But the fact he kept It together amazed me. He was such a smart and thoughtful man. I never once gave up on him. I knew he could make it through this. Things happen and It's not fair, but knowing in my heart that Glenn and Maggie are finally at peace together. I think that's all he ever wanted. They're finally in each other's presence, and it'll stay that way for entirety."

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