You And Me: Not So Simple

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" There's walkers in the Barn! " Glenn yelled distracting Carl and I from our conversation and everybody else from what they were doing.

" What"? Rick said, getting up from the wooden log. " Ella, I'm sorry. I couldn't keep quiet about it anymore" Glenn apologized, only pissing me off.

"Ella, you knew about this?" Lori stood up from the log and put her hands on her hips, staring down at me. I just nodded my head, feeling stupid and guilty.

" Sweety, why would you keep something like that from us? Do you know how dangerous these things are?" Lori asked me. " I do, my daddy doesn't. He thinks they're just sick, he thinks we can help them and nurse them back to health".

" Christ" Rick said under his breath.

"My mom and brother are in that barn, I know they aren't people anymore. But they were somebody". I said and got up, starting to walk off.

" Wait ! Ella! Wait! " Carl yelled to me
" What do you want? To yell at me too"? I said frustrated with tears leaving my eyes almost. " No, I'm not going to yell at you". He reassured me.

" You must hate me like they do, right"? I asked Carl. " I don't hate you, I could never hate you. They are just upset, because they know how unsafe these things are".

" Those things were family members and friends. Please don't call them things" I asked sweetly.

" I'm sorry". Carl apologized.

Glenn and Maggie left to go to the pharmacy for more supplies, but we all know what happens in those supply runs. I don't get how she didn't rip his head off after she found out he told his group about the " walkers " in the barn.

Shane decides to Offer gun training to anybody that wanted it, But knowing my daddy. He wouldn't let me go any where near one of those things. So I went to gun training. It's not that I like to disobey, Because technically he didn't say no. Well he just doesn't know I'm going to go train, but whatever. Rick's group tells me these things aren't safe, And I don't want to become one.. Ever.. So why not?

We went to an open field, not on my daddy's property and began to train. Everybody hit their targets perfectly, but for me. I hadn't even shot the darn gun.

I felt a hand grip onto my hand on the gun. " Get a more firm grip, come on Ella. Don't you go freaking out on me". Shane said.

Everybody stopped firing and just glued their eyes to me, yay.

" I can do this". I said to myself aloud. I closed my eyes, placed my finger on the trigger and fired. Hitting the bottle perfectly, earning claps from everybody. Especially from Carl.

I gave the gun to Shane and ran over to Carl, hugging him. He tensed at first, but hugged back after. Also, earning " oohs " from everybody. " Really"? Carl asked jokingly, and began to turn red.

We all got back to The Farm and Rick's group did their normal thing since they'd been here.

Search for Sophia..

I really hope the girl Sophia is OK, carol has such a sad vibe. Then again, that's how it was when I met her. Still, I couldn't imagine myself in Carol's place, or Sophia's. Not knowing where your momma or daughter is. But I know where my momma is, and she doesn't know anything. Just the fact she wants my flesh.

Carl and I went inside of my house and finished looking at the scrapbook. I could tell my daddy didn't like me spending so much time with Carl, But who cares"?

" We looked so happy in these pictures, Not a care in the world". I said smiling and still looking at the pictures. " I miss those days, I hate that every where I look I have to watch my back for walkers. It's frustrating and to be honest, scary". Carl confided in me.

Rick and my daddy were in the other room discussing how it was a death sentence to leave this place. To be quite honest, Rick's group shouldn't leave. No, not only the fact Carl is here. But the fact that each and everyone of Rick's group members are mentally and physically exhausted.
It didn't take a therapist to notice that about them, when I first met them all.

Jimmy pushed open the door to Rick and my daddy. " I found two more, by the creek". he told them exhausted from his run back. " I need you for this". My daddy said and they all took off just like that.

" What was that all about"? Carl asked, turning his attention back to me. " If I knew, I'd tell you". I answered his question.

" Just like how you told me about the walkers in the barn"? He said rudely. " Jesus Carl, would you stop calling them walkers. They have names" I reached a yell, as I slammed the scrapbook shut. " That came out wrong, Ella". He apologized. " Whatever". I spat back at him, as a smile shot across his face. " Why are you looking at me like that"? I asked him.

" We're arguing, Our first argument " Carl said smiling and chuckling. " you're a doofus, it's not like we're a couple Carl " I shoved Carl to the side and his arms gripped around me. Leaving me looking at him dead in the eyes.

" So ever since summer camp, I've been wanting to ask you this question? " he smiled

" Sure " I smirked

" will you be my girlfriend? or you don't have to. I mean. I you. I " he fumbled his words.

" if I say yes, will you shut up? " I smiled.

He nodded and I hugged him.

It's a official.. We're together.. I couldn't be anymore happier.My old best friend turned into being my boyfriend.. It's like a fairy tale.. Minus Guns, Death, and Walkers..

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