You And Me: Walker Time.

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edited october 19th 2016

Night approached pretty quickly with the other still not back Lori, Carol, and Maggie were pretty worried. Shane, Rick, Daryl, and Glenn were still off looking for Randall. I had a fun feeling about the entire situation. Randall had been tied up in real tight knots and it left a lingering question in my mind.

Did somebody intentionally let Randall out?

Carl and I were posted up on the porch waiting for the guys to get back. Carl had been pacing back and forth, wondering different things. " What if they don't come back because Randall's group found them or they ran into a herd?" Carl questioned with his eyes in the binoculars when he was not pacing. I stood in front of him as he turned to go the other way whilst pacing.

I looked at him in the eyes and tried to crack a tiny smile. "Carl, I am just as worried as you. I just think you need to push those negative thoughts out of your mind. It won't do anything but keep you worked up like this." I put my hand down to his and gave it a tight squeeze.

"God, if I had not found you." He smiled softly and that made my face glow up. If that wasn't the sweetest thing he'd ever told me.

A single shot made us turn around to where it had come from. Without even thinking, Carl had gone running to where the shot was at. "Carl!" I called out and he continued to run off. I followed after because I am a stupid teen girl and I didn't want Carl to go alone.

We finally reached the hill where the shot came from. Rick was standing over Shane's dead body and Carl put his hand over his mouth in shock. His eyes began to water and he turned around not wanting to believe what he had just seen. I grabbed Carl and hugged him, giving my best efforts to comfort him in any way I could.

"Carl!" Rick walked closer and closer to Carl and I. 

I just looked at Rick who also had tears in his eyes. What had just happen? Why was Shane dead? Why was Rick crying? What was going on? And where were Daryl and Glenn?

Carl finally turned around to Rick and pulled his gun out, aiming it at his dead.

"Carl, what the hell are you doing?" I yelled, trying to pull the gun away from him. With one hand, Carl shoved me off of him and I fell to the ground. Once I was down on the ground, I realized who was behind Rick.

Shane's reanimated corpse was up and walking towards the three of us. Was that why Carl was aiming his gun that way?

"You two should be back home. I swear It's not what it looks like. " Rick was crying and Carl was as well. "Just put the gun down, son." Rick said and Shane picked up speed as he walked closer and closer to us.

I opened my mouth to talk, but nothing was coming out. I froze and could not get myself to tell Rick that Shane was now somehow a walker and coming up behind him. Carl had fired away without warning and I expected to see either Rick or Shane on the ground.

Shane laid on the ground dead, again. 

Rick still shook with fear, turned around to see that Shane was once again on the floor. I still stood on the ground in shock as well as I had watched the scene unfold within a matter of a few seconds, right in front of my very eyes. It was insane to say the least.

Little did we know that the most insane part had not happened yet. The single gunshot from Carl had attracted thousands of walkers and that was going to be a scene that would not unfold very pretty at all.

The three of us walked back in silence, not really knowing what to say. "Are you bit too?" Carl asked his father and I simply just walked with my mouth shut, rubbing my arms because of the dropping temperature. Rick said nothing but a shake of his head. Rick wasn't bit and that was a relief.

"Shane was bit, right?" Carl asked and I looked to Rick for his answer.

"That wasn't Shane back there." Rick said with slight anger in his voice

I stopped walking at the sound of moaning and groaning behind me. Carl and Rick kept their attention on each other and didn't even noticed I stopped. I turned around dreading to see what was behind me.

Walkers, a lot of walkers, herds of walkers were behind us. I so desperately tried to speak up and tell Rick and Carl, but I again froze.

Carl had noticed I was not on the other side of him anymore and he turned around to look for me. His eyes were now on the site I was seeing, and he called out for me. I still kept my eyes locked on the walkers that were getting dangerously close to me. I couldn't move and I couldn't talk, because the reality of this was all too much.

Carl came over, grabbing me, and following his dad. Rick took us into the barn and locked the door with a board that had been laying around inside. Carl began to climb the ladder and yelled for me to follow him. He then dropped down from the ladder and began to shake me.

"Ella, please we have to go!" Carl shouted as the banging on the barn doors from the walkers became exceptionally loud at this point. Carl pulled me by my arm up the ladder as my legs were barely able to do the work for me. Physically I was in this situation, but mentally, forget it.

Rick grabbed a can of gasoline and splattered it every where in the barn. Carl pulled me up off the ladder and continued to shake me for my attention. "Ella, what are you doing?!" He screamed and gave up. He stopped shaking me and helped his dad spread the gas around. His dad handed him a lighter. "When I tell you to drop the lighter, you drop it!" Rick tried yelling to Carl over the loud banging. I stood there watching everything around me happen. 

Rick pulled the board off the door that kept the walkers from coming in. He taunted them telling them to come and get him. Rick ran up the ladder and next to us.


Rick yelled to Carl and the fire engulfed the barn floor the second he dropped the lighter. Carl pulled me back away from the edge of the floor because I was very close to falling into the fire. It's like I had no control of my body and it was terrifying to think.

The sound of cars coming closer drew our attention outside. It was Rick's group shooting walkers down like it were no big deal. Jimmy came in the RV to pick us up from here. I guess he figured we set the barn on fire.

Now was our chance to get the hell out of that barn. The ledge outside of the barn was our best bet, and our way out. Carl knew I wouldn't jump first, so Rick was first to go. He directed us to both come and Carl looked at me, not wanting to leave me here. We would both burn if he didn't go now. Carl jumped second and they both yelled for me to jump.

I was back to reality again and I was really coming to realization of what was going on. The walker was set ablaze with walkers still growling on the first floor. On the outside of the barn, hundreds of walkers were coming or us all. Jimmy was here with the RV waiting for Rick, Carl, and I to get in already. Rick and Carl were on the ledge of the barn outside, waiting for me to jump now or it would be too late. I did not want to die, not here, not now.

I jumped to the ledge, but my foot slipped.

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