You And Me: In love with Carl Grimes

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edited october 19th 2016

Morning approached and I woke up to Carl's arms around me. I looked up at him and noticed he was still fast asleep.  His bed head was the epitome of adorable. His hair stuck straight up and I could not help but smile. I turned around to him and moved my arm gently up and down his arm. Not that I wanted to wake him, but that did happen.

"Morning beautiful girl." 

He spoke with his sleepy voice and I just about fainted. I pecked a soft kiss on his lips and he replied "Best good morning to wake up to" with his eyes still shut from the kiss. I laughed and moved my fingers through his hair, admiring his pretty brown locks that were definitely better than mine were.

We got out of bed and ready for the day. I wanted to go and see my daddy even though it was going to be hard seeing him in the condition he was in. We walked into his cell and he was still unconscious and I didn't know if he was going to wake up or not.

Carl stood against the door and let me go in near my dad. I sat next to him and gently grabbed his hand, holding it in mine. I wanted to cry more than anything because it was so hard to see him this way.

"He is going to make it through this, Ella." Carl said and I had not noticed he came over to me, because my attention was so focused on my dad. I knew that there was a possibility standing that he would not make it and that was the base of my worry.

Maggie stood at the door watching the scene happen in front of her. "If he turns, I want to do it." I told Carl, still with my eyes on my dad. Carl put his hand on my back and let me know that he agreed.

I had a sense somebody else was in the room with us and that's when I noticed Maggie in the doorway. She was letting tears fall down her face and she tried so hard to stop crying, but she just couldn't bring herself to do so.

I stood up from the ground and stroked my dad's hair. I placed a kiss upon his forehead and felt somebody grab me from behind. It was Maggie who needed a hug from her sister. I as well needed a hug from mind. Tears were pouring from her eyes and on to my shirt. "It's going to be ok Maggie, it's going to be ok." 

This was a lot harder on my sister than it was on me. I was sad inside, very sad, but I wanted to be strong and I wanted to be there for my sister. I wanted to be strong for my dad and my sister. "Daddy is going to beat this world." I told Maggie and she gradually began to suck back her tears with effort. She then let go of me and went to sit down next to my dad.

Carl entwined his hand with mine and smiled at me. He knew I was doing my best to be strong and he knew that was what I wanted. It felt great knowing that I was not going through this world alone. I don't know what I would be or where I would be without Carl Grimes here surviving with me.

Back at the farm he had thanked god that he had found me, but now that I think of it, thank god I was even given the privilege to go to summer came and meet this amazing guy back when I was just a 10 year old little girl and he was just an 11 year old little boy. 

I realized that I was completely in love with Carl Grimes

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