You And Me: You're Not Alone

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edited december 7th 2016

I couldn't see my daddy like that anymore. I couldn't seem him so hurt and vulnerable. I didn't want that to be my last memory of him. 

The night approached like it always did. Rick and Daryl were on watch for those prisoners incase they wanted to try anything. They were also on watch for walkers, but that was a given. My bed was not comfortable this very moment. I tend to have vivid dreams about the farm and the fire, Patricia and Shane.

I sat up fast with my breathing going faster and faster. I stood up to get my inhaler and realized that I only had 13 pumps left. "Great." I said to myself and took the medicine in. I got off of my bed and sat on the floor with my back against the stone wall. I ran my fingers through my hair, fluffing out a bit. I was restless and I hated sleeping. To be honest I hated being alone and sleeping alone. Being alone gave my mind the permission to think about anything and everything. More than half the time my thoughts were about terrible things.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of better things.

I felt hands on my shoulders and I jumped up. I realized it was Carl and I shoved him away. "Seriously?" I gripped and Carl kind of laughed. "Did I scare you?" Carl asked me and I responded sarcastically with "Oh you know, just a lot." 

We both stood silent for a few seconds.

"Ella, what are we doing?" He asked me and I looked at him sideways. "Well I was trying to think of great memorable past events until you walked in here and scared me." I rolled my eyes.

"I meant with out relationship, Ella." Carl scratched the back of his neck and I looked down.

"I tried to not think about you at night. I tried not to watch you during the day and I tried not care about you and want you as bad as I do. I just can't do that, I can't stay away from you." I stood there and began to smile. I embraced Carl and he kissed the top of my head.

Carl laid his back against the wall like I had mine. He pulled me into his arms and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I couldn't stop thinking about you either, Carl." I said softly and he rubbed my shoulder with his hand.

"I hoped my summer camp buddy would find his way back." I smiled and was almost cringing at the gushiness of the conversation, but I adored Carl Grimes.

I looked up at him and he was smiling down at me. "You'll always have your summer camp buddy." I laughed quietly and so did Carl. 

"Can I confess something to you?" I asked and he nodded his head. "I really don't want to sleep alone." I said and he got up. Carl then picked me up bridal style and I had to hold my mouth or I would laugh. He placed me on the bed and got into the bed right next to me. "I won't let you, Ella."

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