You And Me: All Too Real.

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Wait, Was this really happening?!

Did I dream Lincoln, Rick, Daryl and Carol's deaths? 

and Mine and Carl's ? 

Was it a vision, a dream? 

No, visions aren't real.. 

Then again, I never thought flesh eating freaks were real.. 

But guess what..?

They are..

I pounced into Carl's arm, and nearly lost it.. 

" Are you okay, Ella? " he asked concerned, pulling me back and stroking my hair..

I shot up from his grip and looked at sleeping Sam to make sure he was okay and untouched..  Then I took no time to get downstairs.. 

" Ella! " Carl's voice trailed behind me.. 

Rick was holding Judith, as everybody crowded around Judith kissing her, almost in tears.. 

I looked all around.. 

It was a vision.. 

This was real..

I got through everybody and held Judith, making sure she was okay.. 

Examining her for any type of wounds or bites.. 

" She's fine, Ella.. Michonne found her.. " carol said with relief in her voice.. 

My happiness and smile was put to an end when I heard that Michonne had found her.. 

It was all part of her plan.. 

Maybe she planned on killing Judith too instead of sparing her 3 year old life like in my .. " Vision.."

A blank stare took hold of my face and I reached into Rick's holster, pulling his revolver out and aiming it to Michonne's forehead..

" Ella! What are you doing?! "

" Ella! Put it down! "

" ELLA! " 

Voices echoed from behind me.. 

But I wouldn't put this thing down..No

" it's people like you that make us fear the living.. we're so wrapped up in our problems with the walkers that we forget people are just as dangerous.. " I said not taking my eyes off of her betraying lying filled eyes.. 

◄ you and me ◄ carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now