You And Me: Little Ass Kicker.

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edited october 9th 2016

I kissed Carl one last time and got up to go and get my clothes. I was exposed and felt kind of awkward. I enjoyed what just happened, I won't lie. I just kind of didn't want to be nude any longer.

Carl looked over at me and his eyes locked onto something he'd never noticed on my body.

"What is that?" he asked staring at the scar on my right hip. I pulled my clothes on as he got up to get a better look at my scar. He put both hands on my hips and pulled my shirt up to see the scar.

"Where did you get that?" he asked and to be completely honest, I did not know and could not remember.

"I really don't know and it's kind of scary now that I think of it." I answered and he dropped my shirt back over the scar

As he walked back to the bed, he seemed pretty upset. I was confused as to why he was upset, and wanted to know why. "Are you ok?" I asked and he grabbed his hat. "I don't like what the world is doing to us. It's like we are being robbed of our memories and it isn't fair. I mean I can't really even remember life before the walkers." and I now knew why he was upset

I walked over to him and put his hat on for him

"We can try and remember, you want to know why?" I asked and he awaited for an answer

"Because we have nothing but time these days" I said to him trying to cheer him up, and because I was right

"My mom didn't" he said looked down and that dropped the mood from progressively getting happy, to full on sadness. I picked his chin up and moved his bangs away from his eyes. "She was so proud of you, Carl."

He leaned in and kissed me

I put my hand out for him to grab and he stood up from the bed. We walked out of the cell holding hands and walked down the stairs. Daryl and Maggie had just gotten back from getting Carl's new born baby sister formula in order for her to survive.

Daryl was holding on to her and I had never seen such pure happiness in Daryl's eyes

"Can I hold her?" Carl asked and Daryl handed the baby over to her big brother

Carl's eye lit up as his new born baby sister was placed in his arms. His eyes were beginning to water up and so were mine. I had never seen such a genuine love and happiness towards another person like he had for his baby sister.

"She got herself a name yet?" Daryl asked Carl and we all awaited for a response

"I was thinking maybe Sophia, Carol, Andrea, Amy or Patricia" Carl said and I looked down as did he. The look on Daryl's face once Carl had said Carol's name was like a punch in the stomach. Every one of those name that Carl had named had a special meaning to all of us.

I walked over to Carl and rubbed his back. Daryl had given the baby a bottle that she desperately needed and she obviously taking a liking to her food source. New born babies don't smile, let alone show any emotion except for crying. Which is why her smiling to the bottle was astonishing. 

"You like that sweetheart? You like that little ass kicker?" Daryl asked and I cracked a smile

It was progressively becoming a happy time, but in this world, that would not last.

We all gathered to eat because we all were starved and hadn't eaten in almost two days. 

"I will take my sister, you need to eat something" Carl said and I handed Carl his sister

God knows I wanted to throw the spoon across the floor and shoved my face in the bowl, but I still maintained my manners.

"Everybody ok?"  

All of our attentions looked straight over to Rick that had came stumbling into the cell block, who knows where he had been and what he had been doing.

"Everybody is just fine, are you?" my daddy asked and waited for Rick to say anything back. "Cleared out the boiler block, cleared it out" Rick looked mad, but who could blame him? He just lost his wife and we wouldn't expect anything different.

"Dozen, I'm gonna go back. I just, I just wanted to check on Carl." he patted Carl's back and turned away to leave

"Rick, please come back here" and the baby woke up from my dad shouting to Rick. I hurried over to her and held her in my arms to get her to go back to sleep.

I kissed both of her cheeks and she was breaking another smile which was crazy. She wasn't even a day old and she was already showing facial expressions. 

Glenn and Maggie had headed to town to get some more supplies for the baby after we all had eaten. She wasn't just going to survive with three bottle of formula. 

I was in the cell with the baby and had her sprawled out on my chest. She was a sleeping beauty and was for sure a doll. I was so in love with this baby and could hold her for forever.

Carl, Daryl, and one of the prisoners that was locked away in here had headed down to the lower levels of the prison. I was against the idea of Carl going with the prisoner named Oscar, but Daryl was going as well and he'd break ass if Oscar did anything to hurt Carl. I agreed and before Carl and the other two had left, I gave him a long and passionate kiss. 

He was my boyfriend and I had to let him know that if he didn't come back, that the kiss I had given him meant that I loved him dearly.

Oscar and Daryl both smirked at the both of us and laughed. The both complained to each other how Carl the 15 year old of the group was receiving more action than they were. 

Yes, they had no idea.

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