You And Me: Out Cold.

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edited november 9th 2016

Daryl, Rick, and Glenn did a perimeter search of the prison grounds to make sure nobody else was here. Carl wanted to tag along, but Rick insisted that he sat this one out. Knowing Carl he was not sitting this one out, so he eventually did tag along with them

My dad was examining Judith to also make sure that she was not harmed in any way. I was practically biting my nails in anxiousness because I wanted her to be fine. I was relieved by the amount as well because if something were seriously wrong with Judith, my daddy would have figured it out by now. I prayed that Judith didn't have a scratch, because although Judith was not my child, I was the closest mother figure she has had so far. Carol as well, I could not forget about Carol.

I felt somebody slip their arms around my waist from behind and I jumped a bit. I turned and saw Carl, who noticed me jump. "It's okay, it's just me." Carl kissed my forehead and I sighed in relief. "Looks like there weren't anymore, because we did a full perimeter sweep." Carl reassured and I sighed in relief once again.

"Judith is just fine, they didn't touch a hair on her head." My dad said and the sighs of relief were very refreshing to say the least. Carl went and picked his sister up, rocking her very softly. "You're okay baby girl." Carl said softly to Judith and I could have fainted because of how heart warming that was.

"Eleanor, come on over here and let me look you."

"I'm okay daddy, they didn't touch me. I promise." I told him, and he kissed the top of my head. "I love you, Eleanor." My dad said and I replied with a genuine "I love you too dad." 

"It's time for Judith's nap, you want t-

I looked over and Judith was already fast asleep. Carl smirked at me and flexed his bicep. "The greatest brother in the world to Judith Grimes goes to Carl Grimes." Carl whispered to us and I rolled my eyes in a playful manner.

"Yeah, you'll win that when you change a poopy diaper." I scolded and acted as if he was so offended. I laughed again as he laid Judith in her playpen. 

My dad and Carl left the cell to let Judith sleep. However I did stay in the cell watching over Judith as she slept and only thanking God she was not harmed. I still thought about the man who claimed to be Doug, exploiting me like that in front of my family. I also couldn't take my mind off of the boy at Woodbury nearly raping me. Why was I the main target here? I hated feeling that way.

I got up from the side of the playpen and walker to the mirror. I lifted my shirt up gentle and held my stomach, and my eyes started to water. I then saw Carl from behind me in the mirror and turned around to him. I wiped my face free of tears, but it was obvious to Carl that I was crying.

"It um, it hasn't hit me yet that our baby is gone." I said softly and he looked down. Carl then walked over to me, and went in to hold me. I stopped him because I honestly wanted to be alone right now.

"Carl, can I just be alone right now?"

Once he left without arguing, I grabbed the razor from under my bed. I was sure of it this time and nothing was going to stop me. I slid the razor down my wrist slowly and blood began to flow out of my body. I felt no pain and this was easy, it was cancelling out the pain of the child who I never came to know that I lost.

Carl knew me too well and it was not sitting right with him that I wanted him gone. He knew I liked closure in times of need, so he came back to the cell. His eyes fixated on the blade I was holding to my skin and ran at me.

"Ella! What the hell are you doing?" he yelled grabbing the razor from me and holding me. I squirmed in his arms crying my eyes out. "My body is already covered in these, what difference does it make?!"'I cried loudly and Carl began screaming for my dad.

"Hershel!" Carl continued to yell for him. Rick and my dad ran into the cell and saw the scene. Blood from my wrist was going everywhere now and Judith was now awake. She didn't know what was happening, but it was all so chaotic for her that she began to cry.

"Carl, let go of me!" I screamed as if I was losing my mind. Carl chunked the razor down and I continued to fight against his grip. I was needing to be calmed down and it was not going to happen gradually. I was far too angry and hurt right now to slowly feel okay again.

My dad grabbed me as well and looked over at Rick. "Dad, do something!" Carl yelled and Rick sat Judith back down in the playpen. He pulled his gun out and flipped it to the other side. Carl and my dad looked at him like he was crazy, but I still continued to fight the grips. I then felt a huge blow to the side of my head. I only saw black after that.

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