You And Me: Sparks Are Dead.

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edited january 5th 2016 bc i get shit about this chapter so much :)

Carl pulled me along with him to sit in the car. I was freezing still even though Carl had already let me borrow his jacket. It was a sweet gesture I appreciated, but he was just as cold and I didn't want him to feel obligated to put his needs last just because I was his girlfriend. We're only 13 and 14, we're still kids. It's not like Carl and I were married to each other.

It was still freezing and I felt my chest began to get smaller and tighter. I gasped for air and started to really panic now. "What's wrong what's wrong?" Carl asked repeatedly, but I couldn't answer. I was trying to catch a breath of air, but it was useless. 

Carl jumped out of the car to get my sister and dad.

"Maggie, Hershel! Ella can't breathe, she can't breathe!" The three of them ran to me as
I laid out in the car holding my chest trying to breath.

Maggie pulled what I needed desperately, out of her pocket. I grabbed the device and took a few pumps. My breathing was finally becoming far easier for me and I was able to control myself.

"You kept my inhaler all of these years?" I asked Maggie and she nodded her head.

"Never know when you'd need it again." Maggie smiled and she pulled me in for a hug. 

"You gonna be alright,El?" She asked me, and I just nodded my head.

 "I'll be fine, thank you Maggie." I smiled 

"Daddy, I'm sorry about the farm. I won't ever forget it, no matter what." 

"As long as my two girls are okay, I'll be all right." My daddy kissed mine and Maggie's forehead and we formed another family hug. Out of the Greene family, we were the only three left.

Maggie and My daddy went back to the rest of the group and waited for Lori and Rick to come back.

"Don't scare me like that anymore!" Carl pulled me in for a hug and he reached into his pocket for something after. My eyes connected to the shiny chain Carl was holding in his hands.

"Did you drop something?" Carl asked and my eyes went wide. "I hadn't noticed it was even gone! I wear it everyday no  matter what, where the heck did you find it?" I asked turning around and pulled my hair up so he could latch the necklace around me.

It was a small necklace with a charm that was a capital E, that stood for Ella. My mama had already gotten it for me before I was born, and I treasured it dearly. It was crazy that I had not even noticed it wasn't on me. I mean these past days have been very crazy, I could kind of see why I had payed little to no attention to the necklace.

I still stood there waiting for Carl to put the necklace on and I then felt my shirt being lifted up from the bottom.

"Where the hell is that from?" He asked and I turned around. "Pull my shirt down, my dad is over there! He'll think something is going on, Carl." I snapped at him and he looked at me sideways.

"How did you get that bruise near your neck?" Carl asked and looked away. "I don't know, these past few days have been crazy. I could have gotten them anywhere." I said and knew Carl didn't believe me.

"I don't believe that for a second, Ella. You know where it's from and I want you to tell me how it happened right now." 

"What are you? My dad? I said I do not remember. I literally didn't even know my necklace was gone, you think I would remember a stupid bruise?" I shouted slightly at Carl.

"Did I give it to you?" Carl asked

I said nothing to him, just turned the other way.

"Was it the hugs I give you? I didn't even realize the strength I had. New teen boy here, I am so sorry." Carl shook his head and I grabbed his shoulders.

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