You And Me: New Home?

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There were eight of us in the group and only five bedrooms. It was evident that Carl and I were going to share a bedroom and nobody in the group really had anything to say about it. Unless you asked my dad, but even then he knew my love for Carl and he allowed it.

"We would get the room with pink wallpaper." Carl complained about the walls in our new room. "Carl, did you even get the memo? The world ended nobody gives a shit about pink wallpaper." I laughed and he rolled his eyes. Carl then made his way on the bed and pulled me down as well. "Can we finished what we were starting earlier?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Only if I can have a massage after." I smiled in hopes of that much needed massage.

"No." Carl laughed and started to kiss me.

Carol looked at all of the pictures hung up on the wall in the hallway. There was an award with the name 'Sophia Richmond' plastered on it. Daryl was behind Carol looking at what she had her eyes on. If it was not evident, Daryl cared about Carol so much. 

"Carol, come on." Daryl had startled her a bit. "What?" Carol asked wiping a little tear that had escaped from her eye. "I hate sharing my shit, but you shouldn't be alone." Daryl said referring to the rooms. He wanted Carol to share a room with him.

Hours were passing and we settled in pretty quick. Rick was in the office setting up the ammunition and guns. Judith had started to get a little fussy because she was growing hungry and she didn't need her crying. I made her a bottle and started to feed her. "Is it good, sweetie?" I asked Judith in such a generic baby voice. She batted her beautiful long eyelashes and had such big brown eyes. I wondered if she knew what the world was like. I also thanked God she never had any encounter with a walker in her life.

Carol had found sewing needles and was very occupied. She smiled as she watched me feed and talk to Judith. The previous owners of this house were surgeons and were well stocked with medical supplies. My daddy was pretty happy about that, as we all were. 

Glenn was organizing the food with Michonne and Daryl had started to make wooden arrows. It was all seeming very normal at this moment. I loved times like these and only wished they outweighed the bad moments we've encountered throughout this apocalypse. 

I started to feel a very off feeling the middle of my stomach. This feeling was all too familiar and it would not be considered my favorite feeling. I gave Judith to my daddy and hurried to the bathroom. 

Carol followed after me once she'd set her sewing materials down on the coffee table. I leaned over the toilet and let vomit fall from my mouth. Carol held my hair up, out of my face, and gently rubbed my back. "Let it out all, sweetie."

"Ella?" Carl stood at the door and Carol got up. "She'll be okay, sweetie. Give her a few minutes." Carol shut the door on Carl and I was feeling way too sick to say anything about it. "Did you eat something bad?" Carol asked me a bit confused. She raised her hand an placed the back of her palm on my forehead. "Sweetie, you're burning up." 

Carol rubbed a wet cloth on my forehead in hopes of bringing down my temperature.

"I had a weird tasting granola bar a few hours ago. I'm sure it was just that and mixture of stress, I'll be fine." I tried to ease Carol and finally opened the bathroom door. Carl stood directly outside and was waiting for me.

"How're you feeling?" Carl asked, immediately wrapping his arms around me.

"I think it was just a granola bar I ate a while ago. It tasted kind of strange, but I'm fine." I tried to play it off and the rest of the group believed my lie. Carl kissed my forehead and smiled at me. "You're such a little warrior." I rolled my eyes and really appreciated that comment.

It was now night and everybody in the group was getting some shut eye. Rick was keeping watch in the office and would switch shifts with Glenn in a few hours. Rick needed rest more than any of us, but in this group he had multiple jobs, including being the leader.

Carl and I laid in our bed with Judith in her playpen right next to us. She was wide awake, tossing and turning in her crib. She wasn't fussy, just full of energy and playing around. "How does she have that much energy at this time of the night?" I asked Carl and he shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me."

Carl's eyes were planted on me for a few minutes and I noticed. "What?" I asked. "I know it's annoying whenever I always ask, but are you sure you're okay?" Carl asked and I nodded looking at him. "Carl, it was just that granola bar." I laid my head on his chest and he just left it alone.


"Carl! Come on, Mr. Jacob left the canoes out!" I yanked at Carl's arm. "Wait, but what if we get in trouble and they tell my mom and dad!" he said like a scared little boy.

"That's a risk we're willing to take." I said finally getting Carl on his feet and out the door. "We're?!" he questioned as we ran down the steps across the field and to the lake where the canoes were.

"I've never been canoeing before!" I giggled stepping into it. "Be careful, Ella." he held onto my arm and helped me in. We both got in and went out in the middle of the lake. "We went a little to far!" I said a bit worried. "Don't worry, can't you swim?" he asked me. I put my head down a little embarrassed. "You can't swim?" he said busting out laughing. "Shut the hell up!" I yelled at him then covering my mouth. 

"Please don't tell on me." I begged. "I'll think about it!" he said splashing water at me. I splashed it back at him. We both started to laugh. "I feel like such a grown up!" Carl said swinging the paddle over his head. "You're 10, you're not even a teenager yet!" I said sticking my tongue at him. "And you're 9, little still have one number to your age." Carl laughed and pointed at me.

"You're being mean." I said sound really sad. "Ella come on, I'm just kidding with you. You know you're kind of pretty." he said, then immediately blushing after. I started to blush too.


I woke up to Carl's lips on mine. "Morning beautiful." He smiled at me. "Back at you handsome."

"Did you have dreams about me?" Carl asked with a smiled. "Actually, I did." I smiled back.

That feeling from yesterday was back and I shoved Carl out of the way as fast as I could. I was over the toilet once more and it felt worse than yesterday. It was so bad that I was actually crying from how bad this pain was. Carl held a water bottle next to me. I thanked him for it and flushed the toilet. I nearly drank the entire bottle and laid back down on the bed in a fetal position, holding my stomach. 

"You're pregnant, aren't you?"

"I'm so sorry, Carl." I didn't even bothering looking over at him. I knew he had to be so furious with me. I was upset with myself right now and I didn't want to see how disappointed Carl was.

"Ella, please look at me." Carl pleaded and I did what he wanted. "Nobody else in the group knows. Just you, that's why I had wondered off in Walmart the other day and almost got killed. I was looking for a test and I took it yesterday." 

"I fucked up, it's my fault."

"Ella, it takes two. You remember that, right?" Carl lifted me from the bed and hugged me. "We'll get through this, okay?" He placed his lips on my forehead. It was genuinely so reassuring and it made me feel a little better about the situation we were now in.

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