You And Me: Secrets

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The next morning I woke up to Maggie pulling my curtains open harshly.
" Maggie, what are you doing?!" I yelled at her.

" What's going on between you that boy? " She demanded an answer.
" Nothing! Maggie we're friends! I met him at summer camp! " I replied back to her question
"It better stay that way, you're too young for all that". she replied giving me an ultimatum.

" so I can't talk to Carl, But you can run off into town with the Korean and suck faces ". I yelled in a whisper to her.

Her eyes got wide.

" Don't be stupid ! " she told me with a worried look " Heard it myself! Little Korean boy couldn't keep his mouth shut to save his own behind " I said and smirked as if it was funny, which it was.

Maggie ran down stairs and out the door, I followed after to head to the room Carl was in. Although, I didn't see him.
" Daddy?" I called his name. " In here sweetheart." He said, as I walked over to him. " Where's Carl?" I asked nervously.
" Outside with the rest of his family". my daddy said as he continued to read old newspaper.

" You made them stay outside"? I almost reached a yell. " There isn't enough room for them in here". My daddy didn't even look up at me as we had our conversation.

" There is plenty of room, daddy. They aren't animals, let them stay here." I was now at a yell " You watch your tone young lady, go and get your breakfast." my daddy looked me in my eyes, giving me a serious look.

I walked outside looking around for Carl. " Carl? Carl? " I called his name, as he came out of a tent with a smile on his face. " Hey" he smiled and walked over to me." How you feelin?" I asked him, as he reached me.

" I feel a lot better, because of your dad". He kept his smile on his face, as did I.

"Guess what I found? " I chuckled. " What?" He asked, as I pulled a brown book from behind my back. " My scrapbook from Camp 2007 " I almost jumped in excitement.

"Come on"! He pulled me into his tent, as his eager- ness to look at the scrapbook showed perfectly.

I pulled the cover of the scrapbook open and the first page was a picture of Carl and I in our bathing suits with huge goggles on. We both chuckled at the ridiculous picture of us. We continued to go through the scrapbook.

" Look how little we were, look how little I was". Carl chuckled " And I was ugly, it's okay Carl".

" Ella, you were not ugly then and you're not ugly now. " Carl sternly told me.
" Oh whatever, Carl". I said almost embarrassed and continued to flip through the book as Carl took it from me, setting it to the side.
" No, I mean it. You're very beautiful." he said, as the words came out of his mouth like word vomit.

I had the biggest smile grown onto my face. " You know I talked to you when you were asleep, Hoping you'd hear me.. " I said with desperation.

" I did.. " he replied ,instantly making me the happiest girl.. " I'm glad you did.. I really am.. Because I gave you an ear full.. " I said and looked away.. " I'm glad we're together again.. When the world basically turned to shit.. I thought of you.. And if you were safe.. If you were scared.. " he said with a bit of shakiness in his voice.. He was serious about it.. His eyes told the same story as his words..

" Walker ! Walker! " was all Carl and I heard, We ran out of his tent. He seemed more scared than I was.
Andrea stood on top of the RV with her riffle. " I got it! " Andrea yelled with confidence in her voice. " No ! Hershel said no guns on his property and we're keeping it that way! " Dale yelled back to Andrea. I don't they those two were necessarily fond of each other.

Rick, Shane and Dale ran to the " Walker " With knives at hand.. " Go inside Ella! Go!" Carl yelled at me with the an outrageous amount of seriousness in his voice.
I said nothing but nodded..

As Rick, Shane and Dale ran to the " Walker " .It turns out to be Daryl.
"Daryl! Shit man .. We thought you were a walker.. Bout to slice you up"

Shane said letting out a relieved laugh.
"It's Daryl! Not a walker!! " Rick yelled back.. But a shot hit Daryl in the head knocking him down. "Daryl! ! !" Rick yelled!

" NO! You shot daryl"! Rick yelled at Andrea, who immediately jumped off the RV.

" She only grazed him, he's not dead". Rick said, as him and Shane lifted his arms over their shoulders.

It was time for Dinner, we all sat around the table in silence. It's not that my daddy didn't like Rick's group, but we didn't know them all too well and he feels like they are getting too comfortable.

I looked over to see Glenn and Maggie passing noted as I shook my head and smiled. " It's very good, carol and mom." Carl said, taking a bite of his carrots " Thank Hershel for letting us use his kitchen". " Thank you". Carl smiled to my daddy, but he just wasn't having it.

After dinner was done, we all contributed to cleaning the dining room and kitchen. I pulled the plates of the table as I caught a glimpse of Maggie opening the note she had received from Glenn. Then a very worried look shot across her face. " What is it Maggie?" I asked as she ran outside, with me behind.

She ran up the ladder of the barn, as I continued to follow after her. We both got up the ladder and saw Glenn run up to us with an extremely worried look on his face.

" You can't say anything". Maggie said referring to the walkers that were in the barn.. The ones Glenn just saw.

s h i t

◄ you and me ◄ carl grimesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن