Chapter 15- Inner Feelings

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"This is the best home made pizza ever!", I exclaimed hungrily scarfing mine down.

It was Thursday evening and we were all having dinner together. By we, I mean me, Sierra, and her parents. We realized it's been exactly one month since we got to Orlando and we haven't spent some time as a family. Yes, I'm not really family. But I live with them and all and they are my guardians and such, so yeah.

"Thanks, honey!", Linda said beaming.

Linda was the one that made the pizza and she did it from scratch. She made the dough and everything!

"Yeah, mom. It's delicious!", SIerra said.

"Thank you, sweetheart".

"Hey, is it okay if I hang outside for a while?", I asked when I was done. "I've had enough of being inside".

That is true. SInce I came home from the hospital yesterday, I haven't been outside once.

"Of course, sweetie", Linda answered. "Just don't take too long and be careful. We wouldn't want you getting hurt again".

"Okay, thanks".

I grabbed my phone, which was sitting on the kitchen counter. "BYE, SISI!", I yelled. I had no idea where Sierra disappeared off to. Probably in our room, though.

I made my way out the door and into the beach. It felt so good to be outside. It's only been a day, but it feels like it's been forever. Today's really hot. I mean, it's hot here everyday, but today is really hot. The wind was really humid and not a cool breeze. I walked along the sand and made my way to Connor's special place. I hope he's not there at the moment. I started humming and singing to Carrie Underwood's See You Again.

Said goodbye, turned around and you were 

gone, gone, gone. Faded into the setting sun. Slipped away.

But I won't cry cause I know I'll never be lonely.

For you are the stars to me. You are the light I follow.

This song is currently my favorite song about my parents. When they passed away, I started this 'playlist' of songs that reminded me about them. First it was, I Miss You by Miley Cyrus. Then, Keep Holding On by Avril Lavinge. After that, it was Stars by Grace Potter and now See You Again by Carrie Underwood. The songs help me resist tears every time I think about them. They keep me strong.

I'll see you again. Oh, oh, oh.

This is not where it ends.

I'll carry you with me, yeah.

'Till I see you again.

I know I'll see my parents again someday. Not for a long time, but someday.

I suddenly tripped on a rock or something and almost fell flat on my face. Good thing I caught myself. Something from my short pocket fell. It was a black sharpie. Why the heck do I have a black sharpie in my pocket? Oh well. I picked it up and started drawing on myself. I tend to do that a lot. I fancily wrote 'Forever Young' on my left wrist with the infinity symbol in the middle and did the same thing on my right wrist except I wrote 'Stay Strong'. Then I drew another infinity symbol on my left and right ankle. I kinda have a thing for them.

When I got to Connor's special place, I heard somebody singing.

I swear it's true because a girl like you is

impossible to find. You're impossible to find.

 Darn, he's here.

I walked over to him and he looked surprised to see me.

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