Chapter 22

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Coach Cartwright, for some reason, thought it would be a good idea to treat all of us to ice cream. I didn't mind that he was treating us like we're five, but I did mind the fact that the boys get even worse with a triple scoop of Chocolate Lava Rock. I admire Coach for trying to reword us after our win today, but giving the boys a sugar high was not the way to do it.

"Callahan?" Parker asked sitting across from me,"What'd you say to 75 to get him to fight like that?"

I laughed recalling when the same kid from the corner, took a couple of swings and got tossed. He'd been trying to bait me most of the first and second so I thought during the third I'd try my hand at it once more. Turns out I hadn't yet lost my touch.

I laughed," Well, his brother is the one I scored six goals on last year. So when I'd had enough of him, all it took was a couple little jabs and he swung," I replied," Which he needs to work on that, it was all too easy to duck out of."

He shook his head and laughed," Only you Callahan," he looked over at the other boys and back at me," Your dad would be proud of you, you do understand that right?"

"Parker, I doubt he'd be proud of the kid he left. He had his chance, and he gave up the right to be proud of me," I replied playing with my fingers.

"Charlie told me he was back in town," I winched not wanting to think about being in the same town as my father," but I'm guessing you already knew that. "

I considered getting up and leaving. In the almost eight years that my dad had been gone, I'd never talked about it. We all knew he had another family somewhere else. Including a son, the same age as me. Although I didn't find that out till a couple of months ago. Charlie had gone looking, and found more than he wanted. Apparently the affair that my father had, went on longer than any of us knew. So while my mom had me, he was expecting a son with his now wife. Charlie wasn't going to tell me any of it, but I forced him after he'd gotten a letter from our father.

"I um... Charlie called me back in Lake Placid about a day before we left," I replied my voice wavering," Why do you think I played with such a fury today? I had a whole lot to work out."

I looked over at my team, my brothers, who were watching the game on Cooters laptop. He'd put up a GoPro behind the other teams goal, and from what I can tell, a couple of their players gave it a single finger solute. I couldn't help but smile, at the start of the season I couldn't stand most of these guys, and even though I'd played with them for years, I was still an outsider. But now I not only loved them like my own family, but I was one of them, I was part of the brotherhood.

"But he's not my family anymore," I spoke up after a couple of minutes," Charlie, Jared, my mom, and these boys, they are my family. But my father, he gave up his right a long time ago."

Cooter looked over at me and smiled, almost like he knew. His boyish grin still made my stomach flip in ways I never knew it could. Everything somehow changed when I accepted the fact that all of these boys were my family. I let all of them in, and actually see how I really am. They've become  my brothers. Granted I now had more than I ever signed up for, but that's just family.

"When did the Wrecking Ball become such a," Parker stopped to think for a minute, "Well such a domesticated hockey player."

I laughed and shook my head. I honestly had no idea when that happened. But he was kind of right, I was a little more domestic. Which was honestly kind of funny. I didn't even know I was capable of being calm like this.

"I have no idea Parker," I replied," I was a crazy kickass hockey player, and now I'm basically a Care Bear."

We both broke out laughing. The thing that got me was his reply of, those things could be deadly. We then had to explain to the rest of the boys why Parker and I were dying of laughter. Pretty soon they started calling me the Future Captain of The Dream Team. Even Coach Cartwright joined in on the banter.

After our night of freedom we were sent back to our hotels. Over the next two days we played four more games, won two and lost two. Although the losses were partially my fault, I may or may not have been baited a few times. I guess I wasn't as domesticated as Parked had thought, although I didn't actually fight anyone which was a plus. We spent our last day galavanting around Toronto, which probably wasn't Coach's best idea. But hey, we had a great time.

But like all good things, once again our time came to an end. We all loaded back up in the bus, and began the long drive back home. Most of us slept a good portion of the way, while the others played NHL all night. Not going to lie, I was one of those that stayed up.

But the closer we gotta home, the bigger the little pit, that had formed when we left Canada, got. Going home meant eventually facing my father. And I had no idea if I'd have the strength to do it. I could just as easily crumble as I could turn to stone.

"Hey what's wrong?" Cooter asked once everyone else was asleep.

"I don't want to go home," I said my voice cracking. By the look on Cooter's face I knew he wanted to know more, but didn't want to ask," My dad's back. And I'm not ready for that."

"Callahan," he started, I could tell by the way his noes crinkled up that he was really thinking hard about what to say," Maybe it could be a good thing. Maybe he's actually come back for you, Charlie, and Jared."

"Not when he has his other family," I replied tears falling from my eyes," He chose them. That meant no coming back into my life, I told him that in court. I don't want back, not so much for my sake but for Jared's. He doesn't need this."

I let out quiet sob. I started to breakdown right there on the bus, with only Cooter to witness it. I could feel his arms wrap around me, and pull me as close as the seats would allow. He kept telling me that it would all be okay, because him, Mason, and Charlie wouldn't let anything happen. After a good amount of time my tears dried. But Cooter didn't let me go, instead he reached up for the blanket that was on the rack above us and covered me with it.

"Sleep Cally," he whispered," I promise I won't leave."

And so I did as I was told. I feel asleep, in the comfort of his arms, once more.

Cooter and Mason were the ones to wake me up, telling me we were about to pull into the rink. The boys were all yelling, trying to find their phone chargers and bags. I couldn't help but laugh, I'd never seen them this crazy before, and I've seen a lot of crazy from these boys. Parker had to yell at all of them to try and get them to settle down. Apparently two weeks from home causes eighteen teenage boys to go crazy.

"Alright everyone, thank you for making the past two weeks some what bearable for me," Coach said," I'll see you all next week."

As soon as the doors opened we all fought to get out. I watched as all the boys ran to their families. Nothing was cuter than when Jared came running though. The kid almost knocked me down, which was completely embarrassing.

"Cally!" He said latching on to me even tighter.

I laughed and hugged him back before trying to pry him off," Okay kid, it's only been two weeks."

He finally let go only to be replaced by Charlie, who's bone crushing hug was even worse. He hugged me so tightly I could hardly breathe. But something about being back in his arms made me feel safe. Once he finally let me go, I found myself scanning for Cooter.

His mom, who's frame was so tiny compared to his, was hugging him almost as tightly as Charlie had hugged me. I guess when he's all she has now, she's allowed. When he looked up he caught me eye. He looked at me with understanding, but in his eyes I could also see that he was going to try and follow through with his promise. Even if it was one he knew he'd have to break.

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