Chapter 30

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My stupid phone blasted throughout the room. It was dark outside so who tf was calling me? I squinted my eyes at the bright light it radiated. Rayne? It's 2 in the morning why is she calling me. Wait time difference.

"Emily!" Her voice wasn't as happy as I expected it was full of worry

"What?" I said with my adorable midnight voice lol no.

"Were you sleeping?"

"Yeah it's 2 am over here in Europe"

"Omg I'm sorry it's 10 over here!"

"It's cool what's wrong?"

"Why are there pictures of Harry and some girl holding hands and kissing? Do you know about this?" Crap I forgot to tell her.

"Um yeah we broke up"


"Since I work for Modest we can't be together" My voice cracked

"Aw baby I'm sorry"

"No it's fine I guess we'll just have to live with it"

"Aw ok well go back to sleep"

"Alright you too night Rayne!"

"Night babe" I hung up and fell back into my pillow but I was wide awake now. Great. At least I've been sleeping since noon so I guess that's enough sleep. I realized I should probably go finish some school work. Wow I sound like a loser.

I walked out and it was pitch black and extremely quiet. Sounds like everyone was sleeping. I found my way to the kitchen and turned on a small lamp then started working on Chemistry or whatever it was.


I managed to get everything caught up on and work ahead so I could take a break within the next few days. It was already 9 in the morning and the sun was coming up. European times are so weird. I heard giggling coming from a room. Not just any giggling. It was Cara. Honestly even though she's a bitch she's absolutely perfect. The hair. The body. Everything.

I just sat there and stared. I felt empty. Harry and I had been through so much and now it just magically goes away. Just like that. I felt a few tears slip from my eyes and land on my shirt. It was one of those time where the tears just came out like they were nothing.

I heard someone walk behind me but I didn't bother to turn around or pay attention to whoever it was. I was praying though that it wasn't Harry or Cara.

"Emily? What are you doing up so early?" I heard Louis behind me praise the Lord it wasn't Harry.

"Nothing just finished some work" I said dully. He sat next to me on the stool and observed me. The bags under my eyes. The tears running down my cheeks. My bloodshot eyes. Yeah I'm just guessing that's how I look because I haven't bothered to look in a mirror since I woke up.

"How long have you been awake? You look awful" Well thanks Louis. "Wait sorry that sounded mean I didn't mean it like that"

"No it's ok Lou I've been up since like 2"

"Why so early?"

"Rayne called and woke me up"

"What did she need?" I looked at him and studied his face. I couldn't really tell what was going through his head but I was wishing that he'd get the idea. Obviously not

"Um she was asking about.." My stomach churned and I felt unhappy still just saying it. "Harry" Another tear slipped

"Emily I don't know what to say but I know if it's meant to be it will happen"

"But how can I compete with Cara she's gorgeous and I'm just me" Louis pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly. His hugs were great but Harry's are better.

"Emily Harry doesn't like Cara at all. Trust me"

"I don't know anymore I'm sorry you have deal with me"

"Emily you're my best friend I'll always be here for you" I wrapped my arms around his torso and softly cried into his shirt.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome..aren't you tired?"

"Yeah..can you carry me to bed?" I looked up and saw him smirking at me

"Okay fine" He scooped me up like a baby and brought me to my room. He softly laid me on my bed and kissed my forehead then let me fall asleep again.


After Cara woke me up laughing on the phone with her friend I decided to go in a different room and see if anyone was awake. I saw Emily facing away from me and Louis sitting next to her. I made sure to stay unseen and eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Emily? Why are you up so early?" Louis asked

"Nothing just finished some work" She answered sounding upset

"How long have you been awake? You look awful" Nice Louis "Wait sorry that sounded mean I didn't mean it like that"

"No it's ok Lou I've been awake since like 2"

"Why so early?"

"Rayne called and woke me up"

"What did she need?"

"Um she was asking about..Harry" Hearing her say my name pained me especially since I heard her sniffling at the end of her statement

"Emily I don't know what to say but I know if it's meant to be it will happen"

"But how can I compete with Cara she's gorgeous and I'm just me" What she doesn't know is that I don't like Cara and I love her..Louis hugged her. My heart pumped faster and jealousy rushed through me. I wish that could be me..

"Emily Harry doesn't like Cara at all. Trust me"

"I don't know anymore I'm sorry you have deal with me"

"Emily you're my best friend I'll always be here for you" Now she was hugging him. Ugh this is too much..

"Thank you"

"You're welcome..aren't you tired?"

"Yeah..can you carry me to bed?" God please no.

"Okay fine" He picked her up and brought her to a room which I'm guessing was hers. I rested my head on the wall taking in what I just witnessed.

Louis shut the door then turned around and looked guilty when he saw me staring at me.

"Harry you need to do something about this"

"Like what?"

"I don't know but Emily loves you and you love her and if you miss her so much you'd do something about it. I can't see her like this and neither can you Harry"

"Well what am I supposed to do?! We could lose both of our jobs!"

"Shouldn't that be a risk willing to take if you care about her?" He left me speechless. I grabbed my jacket then headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Louis asked

"Out" I walked out the door then went to find the nearest pub.


Omg jeez its been so long since I've updated its so aggravating! Sorry yall have to wait so long!

Thank you guys for reading and voting it means a lot keep it going!


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