1.1 "Hey Dad"

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Atlanta .On a rooftop.

I took a sip of my water bottle and looked over to Glenn who was focused on something.

Then i walked over to him and asked confused  "What are you looking at?"

Glenn pointed at a truck.

Walkers were surrounding the truck, trying to get inside of it.

I raised an eyebrow, confused  "What's so special about it?"

Glenn "someone's trapped in there"

I nodded "poor human"

Glenn nodded "I know"

Then i looked at Glenn "what about the radio?"

He looked at me confused "what?"

Me "The radio. Maybe you can reach out to the person who's trapped in there"

Glenn thought about it before nodding "it's worth a shot"

He connected the radio with the truck's  "Getting comfy in there?"

I rolled my eyes  but smirked.

The guy "Hello? Hello?"

Glenn "You got me wondering"

Guy "Where are you? outside? can you see me right now?"

Glenn nodded"yes, we can see you. you are surrounded by walkers - It's the bad news"

Guy "and the good news?"

Glenn shook his head  "there's no good news"

He turned to me "Go to the others"

Me "are you sure?"

He nodded "yes"

I nodded "good, be careful"

Then i walked over to the fire escape and climbed down to a window and climbed through it. I walked down the stairs to a door and knocked on it.

Andrea opened the door while aiming a gun at my head.

I raised an eyebrow "you gonna pull the trigger?"

She lowered the gun.

Jackie asked confused "Where is Glenn?"

I walked inside and Andrea closed the door behind me  "he wanted to help some guy who got stuck in a truck"

Andrea raised an eyebrow, confused  " Why would he help him?"

Me "Because there are already enough Walkers trying to kill us"

Then the door opened.

Glenn and the guy walked in.

My jaw dropped when i saw who that guy was.

Andrea grabbed him and pointed a gun at his head "You son of a bitch!"

Me "Andrea! let go of him. "

T-Dog warned  "Back off, Andrea"

I shook my head "don't hurt him"

Andrea "We are dead because of this stupid asshole"

I yelled "That "stupid asshole" is my father!"

They all looked at me, shocked.

Me "now back off "

Andrea let go of him.

I smiled at him  "Hey, Dad"

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