Lost And Found

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Aged 25 and Four years later, we all knew what we were doing, we all had a few scars and we all knew that it was time for us all to leave this place and go back to protecting the pack, protecting those whom we loved.

When me and the others got back to my territory very few members of the pack littered about the place. "What happened here?!" I yelled at the nearest pack member. "Your brother and his mate took over the pack a year after you left, word got around to the rouges that you left and they attacked, but-but your brother and his mate they were the ones responsible for the attack they knew none of us stood a chance. They murdered your mother and father. Your brother escaped with the rouges but his mate was not so lucky it turns out that they weren't mates after all. The only people left are the ones that ran and took there children, we've been in hiding ever since, we knew you had to come back soon." I started to devise a plan. "Merida, Alice, and Aiden what was the name of your pack originally. Maybe we could take the others there. It would require strength, courage, loyalty and trust." I questioned as more started to pour out if the woods and come down from the trees. "We all came from the Star pack, your numbers would boost our numbers. It would work we just have to travel there, it's luckily the next territory over." Alice stated.
"Everyone follow us front and centre lets grab a few things and head out by sunrise in two hours!"

"I've just got off the phone to my uncle Alpha Ajax he said that yes we would be able to bring your pack to join with his. He will be sending reinforcements to help us along. They should be here shortly in about an two hours in wolf form." Aiden stated fact.

              Two hours later
Ten wolves big wolves, Beta, Delta, Gamma and then subordinates smaller than mine however bigger than Aidens wolf. "Reinforcements are here and so is he." She ran towards a wolf and hugged around his neck. He placed his head on her pack pulling her close we heard bones snapping and we saw tears coming from his eyes and her eyes. "Your back alive!" His voice was deep yet he sounded broken. Lost without Aiden I internally awed. I watched as Erin started mindlessly walking towards the biggest wolf her eyes shining yellow. "Mate." She chanted over and over. Erin morphed into her wolf and they ran to each other. There mates Erin's found her mate. My Beta found her mate. A year of happiness washed through me. "Stop it you fuss pot you making me cry." I laughed and wiped away my happy tear.

"Alright let's move out then!" I yelled after re-composing. We all started to form a square protecting the people inside. My scar was glowing slightly with heat. "Ingrid your scars glowing again." Alice pointed out I dimmed my inner glow and she stuck her thumbs up. It was about 4 hours before we got to the new home. It was busy with people walking from shop to shop going from house to house. Only a few would go in and come back out of the big pack house. My shades were on covering my eyes, I was wearing my camo gear and so were all the other girls. "Uncle Ajax!" Aiden yelled into the pack house. We heard the house fall silent to a door opening and a male come running at Aiden picking her up crushing her lovingly. "Alpha Ajax thankyou for letting my pack in. I promise you that we will all try to help and be kind to others." I held my hand out for him to shake. He shook it and then pulled me in for a hug. Awkward cause I don't hug. I slowly hugged back.

"Sorry Luna Bloodmoon isn't a very huggy kind of girl." His laughter boomed throughout the place. "Aiden I'm so glad you've came home with all theses new friends, I am your Alpha now Alpha Ajax or Jax whatever you feel comfortable with." He seemed pretty calm and laid back. "We will show you your rooms"

We all got shown our rooms I had my own room. I unpacked and I still felt as though there was something missing. I walked down to Ajaxes office and I asked for me to go to my old pack house and pick up clues on what might have happened, I was accompanied by another pack member and we both took off in wolf form. I hid my flames and had my white fur on show. We got there quickly.

I saw the twisted burned wood and metal holding the structure up. "Stay here." I stated as I walked into the pack house. I carefully walked up the stairs through the first floor of rooms, I got to dads office and saw that all of his pictures had been slashed with claws and there was one on his desk that hadn't been smashed I took it in my hand it was of mom and dad. I held it close to me putting it in a small bag, I walked to my room and noticed that hardly anything was burned all but dads face in every picture. Moms face was half burnt away and my brother and I we were fine. I opened my trunk and saw that I had a letter from my dad I put that into my bag as well. Picked up a few clothes a black dress, a purple dress and my Bambi top. I headed my way back down the stairs, it was all clear now, someone had it out for my dad, and partly for my mom, either he didn't like dad well never liked dad I should correct. Mom he was alright with, however his girlfriend didn't like her. Both of them had so much hatred in there hearts, so much hatred. Pure black toxic hatred.

We got back to the new pack house. Alex and me went our separate ways, Alex being the member of pack that came with me, he's Ajaxs son. He's got brown hair and baby blue eyes he's very buff. "Thank you Alex." He too was very hug full he hugged me tightly before letting me go. All of these tingles spread throughout my body. "Mate." My wolf made me say. Alex pulled me again into another hug I smiled and hugged him back. I kissed his cheek and I left to go upstairs, he suddenly grabbed my hand and kissed me deeply. Butterflies sparks everything. I heard footsteps but I didn't care, we were pulled away from each other. "What's going on here?" Alpha Ajax quizzed.
"Ingrid my mate dad." Alex replied his smile was evident. Ajax left happiness evident in his face. A twist of fire inside me the element was getting stronger and so was my wolf.

"I need to go outside." I said my eyes chasing colour to flame red. My bones started to crack as Alex pulled me outside. I fell to the floor and he lifted me up and plonked me outside. My body had finished morphing and I shook my wolf head seeing that I was taller, flames licked around me. I heard bones snapping and morphing and saw Alex. I was slightly bigger than his wolf. He licked my muzzle and hugged my wolf. I was pushed back and My wolf Luna was now in control. She plonked down and licked Alex's mouth. I pushed myself forwards and morphed back to myself making my fire make me look as though I wore a red dress. "Talented." Alex spoke with just his trousers on. He had a very strong 6 pack nearly an 8 pack. I growled slightly whilst checking him out. "Mine." I blurted out. He smirked and whispered in my ear, "all mine all yours." Some of my flames died down a tad before our lips connected.

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