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Books. I love to read I haven't done much recently. Vlad and I both went together me following him to the library. "This is the Library." Vlad stated opening the double doors. Books lined the walls so many books. He opened the curtains and one book caught my eye out of the thousands that were in here. It was right at the top near the ceiling. The ladder came across. "I saw your eyes light up when you looked at that book." Vlad called from the other side of the room. He pulled out a book from near the bottom and I flew to the roof and grabbed the book. "Vlad I'm flying!" I cried almost scared. "Haha wow you are can you fly around?" I started to fly around the library. Picking up another book before flying down and landing placing the books on the table and sitting down on a chair. One of the books was about enchanted beings, the other about werewolf beings.

I started to read enchanted beings, when I turned to the centre page I saw gems and they all lead to a person. The person in the middle had all of the same markings as me. All except the spirit element and the wings the person had no wings. I left it the book and turned to the other book, I flicked through the old book and found a double page that had a woman and male both had wings with the spirit element on them both. They had both hands joined together I looked at the label and read 'it is said that they are mates and fall in love their mating symbol is a wolf howling at a half crescent moon.' I simply looked at the book jaw dropped. "Vlad.. you might want to come here." I felt him behind me looking over my shoulder. I looked at Vlad for what seemed like the first time, he had a scar under his left eye, gold flecks in his emerald green eyes.

"What? Have I got something on my face?" He questioned looking down at me. "No, just looking at your eyes." He looked down entirely and kissed my lips before taking my hand I picked up the books and we both walked back to where the elders were to discover that they had left now, gone back to where they came before. Back to their castle. 

"Your saying that he's got to go through the pain you went through." Luciena stated.
"Maybe but the thing is his element is where my spirit element is so I'm not sure." I tried to explain. "But you and Vlad have the same mate mark as the one in the book!" Cried Lucifer. I growled and felt my body grow warmer, "I can't say what will or will not happen. But I hope for Vlad's sake that it doesn't." I removed my hands from the table and walked away. Why was I so angry? What had made me so angry?

I walked to the river/lake where me and Vlad had first properly spoken. I focused on the water to then make a small whirlpool at the edge. I put my hands into the whirlpool and heated up my hand. It slowly grew hotter and hotter. "Don't scold the fish." Came a voice I knew to well. His big hand came over my shoulder before he sat like me with my feet dangling over the edge, my white wings covering the both of us. "I wouldn't mind having to spend forever with you, and having wings would be an added bonus. We could fly to places just me and you." Vlad looked out into the forest that hid in the near future framed by the blue water that separated us from the secluded forest.

My hand found its way to his big hand. "The pain that's endured to get these wings you've seen it you've seen how much pain that I went through and I don't want you to go through the pain." I whined softly looking at his face. "If it means that you and I can be together and help one another then I want it to happen. I want to be near the greatness, I want to be near you. I don't care how much pain I go through as long as your by my side I don't care how much pain I endure." I scooted closer to Vlad and placed my wing onto his shoulder. I put my head on his shoulder. "I love you." Vlad whispered his hand coming around my waist pulling me closer.

"I-I love you to." I replied almost scared even though he had just said that he loves me.

Vlad loves me. Pink, love. "Your eyes are pink." I looked at Vlad and pushed my lips to his cheek. I saw a very light blush on his cheeks. "Pink means love." I mumbled against his lips. He pulled me closer to his chest. He pulled away from my lips and looked at the water. "Pass me your hand." He whispered, I gave him my right hand and he pulled it into the water with his and said again "I love you." The water seemed to bubble around my hand and I felt the water form hearts and they gradually became bigger before floating away. "How did you? What did-" he smiled a toothy smile. I put my left hand on his face and I watched the water crawl up along my skin making my top wet, it traveled up to his face and I watched the scar on his face heal, his clothes becoming wet. His eyes went from green to blue. "I did not know you could do that." We both said in unison. I giggled, giggled well that's new, and Vlad chuckled the rumble of his chest in my ear. "We've discovered a lot of stuff today haven't we princess." He snuck a kiss onto my cheek. "We have Alpha." His eyes seemed to glow neon green, "Vlad." I raised my eyebrow as he shook his head his eyes returning to their emerald green. I hugged Vlad purposely touching his element he hissed slightly and his hands pressed my spirit element. I watched his eyes change colour from blue to red to emerald to silver back to emerald back to silver. "Why are your eyes silver." Fear evident in my voice a wolf isn't supposed to have silver eyes, only an angel is. "That's what happened to you before you were withering out in pain." His eyes were pure silver. We rushed back inside and I took him up to bed taking off his shirt he climbed into bed laying on his front. "I'll stay with you forever, and forever is a long time so your stuck with me." I held his hand kissing his hand tingles in my lips. I watched his muscles contract in pain. Black veins appeared on me I felt his pain, I took all of his pain, leaving him painless with his back sprouting small black feathers.

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