Do tell

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Now I'm starting to get a bump a small little baby bump. I have I tell Vlad. Today. I'm so nervous what if he doesn't want to have the child? We drove up to a new restaurant in the town as my treat. What would happen would be I would present him a small photo frame with the letter family written on it. When he asks why I've given him it I'll present him another small wrapped gift. A small baby scan picture of the newly developing child that continued to grow the sound of one heartbeat hammered in my ears. I had managed to sink my heartbeat to the babies. "Come on I'm starving." My belly gurgled slightly.

Walking to the table for two he noticed the first gift on his starter plate. "What's this?" He quizzed. "Must be something they give to you." I slyly slipped a small lie. He opened up the package and his mouth turned upright into a grin. "Awe it says family that is very cute." He almost sounded like a girl. "Haha alright then let's eat then." I giggled softly as food came our way, preordered. Cause just that good. Starting o eat he traced the words with his thumb. "You've got extra cheese?" He almost questioned. "Maybe." I murdered eating the spaghetti bolognese.

Before long we were both eating the desserts and I decided to speak up. "Vlad, the real reason why we came here was because I have something more for you." I pulled the last gift out of the bag and passed it to him. He eagerly unwrapped it. His jaw opened slightly. "Are-your were oh my I'm gonna be a dad?" I saw tears brim his eyes. "Are you happy?" I asked placing one hand over the top of his. "I'm gonna be a dad of course I'm happy." His mouth looked as though it might crack with the amount of smile beaming across it. "Your gonna go through so much pain, awe sorry Princess I love you." He placed a delicate kiss on my cheek. "Come on then let's go home, can we make a quick detour to get some more cheese please?" I asked puppy dog eyes and all. "Yes of course we can." He smiled even more if that's possible. "Awe yay lets go then." I jumped up from the table and so did he. We both paid the bill and left a tip on the table under the table mat. "That'll be a nice surprise." I giggled.

We both got into the car and he drove away.

"Can we get this cheese oooo and this cheese... how about this one?" I piled cheese into the basket that currently had cheese cherryade cola and cookies. "Are you finished Princess?" Vlad asked as I dropped in another pile of cookies. "Ice cream!" I yelled running over to the freezer section. I pulled out Ben and Jerrys ice cream piling it into the now full  basket. "Come on that'll do." We walked to the counter and paid the woman giving Vlad weird looks as a hyper girlfriend pulled his arm wanting nothing more than to eat cookies. "Have a nice day." She cooed. "Don't worry he will." I growled at her slightly.
"Wow babe calm down alright she was just doing her job. Your very mood swing today." He pinched my nose and kissed my forehead. "Yeah but I love you your mine." I shyly spoke grabbing the cookies and gobbling them down. "Have we got anymore cookies?" I asked Vlad nodded pushing a box to me. I ripped open the box and delved in. "Would ya like one?" I inquired he nodded and grabbed two and ate them. We arrived back at the castle I think I'm not sure I fell asleep. When my body was gently placed on the warm cosy bed my eyes pinged open. "Vladdddd please don't go stay with little old me." I whimpered. He climbed into the now dark room and wrapped his arms around my middle and I fell asleep. Hearing the sound of Vlad's light snores.

It was the middle of the night by now. My eyes were wide open. COOKIES I want cookies. I unraveled my arms skilfully and walked down into the kitchen and opened the cupboard where the cookie box was. I pulled off the lid only to discover THERE WERE NO COOKIES! Rage filled my body. "WHO STOLE MY COOKIES!" I yelled throwing a tantrum I stomped my feet the sound of doors opening and running sounded across the castle. About 50 million people piled into the kitchen at my tantrum. "Who stole my cookies?!" I whimpered no one stepped forwards to own up to the stealing of the cookies. "WHO stole MY cookies?!" I empathised the 'my'. "I want MY cookies. Not anyone else's. I want my ones the ones that Vlad brought me to eat." Haiden stepped forwards. "I ate one or two of the cookies." Then all the other girls stepped forwards. "We all are your cookies were pregnant women okay your not."
"I think you'll find I am pregnant and it's not a food baby!" I crossed my arms across my chest. "Alright can those not involved with the cookie heist go back to bed. And those involved please stay behind. Along with the mates of those involved." Lucifer spoke with order. Even if it was three in the morning. "Alright well whose here pregnant? And who ate the cookies?" Luciena spoke her hand over her face. "All but Haiden are pregnant." We all looked at Haiden. "Well she's the lucky one, now Haiden go to bed and you Grant. As for the rest of you, in the morning you will all take part in baking cookies half of you in here and the other half in the other kitchens in fact all of you might as well have a kitchen per mated pair. NOW GO TO BED!" Luciena yelled we all well all but me and Vlad scurried away back to bed. "B-but what about my cookies?" Tears brimmed my eyes and I turned the box upside down showing no cookies. "Here now please go to bed." Lucifer handed me a box of cookies from the back of the cupboard. I trudged back to bed with Vlad. "What's wrong you got your cookies."
"I want chocolate chip cookies." I put the cookies on the top and laid in bed Vlad climbed in and we both fell asleep.

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