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Happiness comes from within much like a tree it's starts from the roots. Until that tree is brutally chopped down. In this case he was snatched from under me. He told me to stay.

It was one in the morning and the castle had been under attack since 6 that evening. Everything was happening in slow motion it was almost as though they knew we were not ready. I protected as many as I could but the mentality of it was I was having to stop the flashbacks. Vlad protected me.

I couldn't do one simple thing. He was pulled away and they held the pack "STOP FIGHTING." Called the Alpha of the rouge wolves, well not an Alpha but a leader. Everyone stopped and turned to face the stage almost. Six people held Vlad back making sure he couldn't escape. His hands were behind his back bound by electric stopping his element from working. I couldn't stop the electric because of something. "Wondering why your element won't work against my shackles?" He laughed manically. "It's something called artificial, which means you cannot control it." I felt one around my neck. It jolted through my body. "It also doesn't charge you but it drains you. It feeds on your energy." I dropped to my knees, the energy seemed to subside. "Take me not him." I struggled to say my throats getting tighter making it harder to breathe. "No were taking him to the leader in just second in command, I shall tell him that you said hello." I pulled myself closer to Vlad, he was convulsing on the floor. I took his hand in my own and drew away the pain. Black veins appeared in my skin up my face and towards my eyes. He laid there unmoving. "Vlad, baby I love you let them take me not you." My voice was hoarse his eyes opened and he struggled against the electrical current going through his body. "Princess, I'll be alright but you, you come when everyone's ready and you come d- down upon them l-like hell upon E-Earth." His stomach contorted and his eyes rolled in his head. "Please." I kissed him on his lips and he weakly kissed back. "Don't leave me as well." My voice was barely audible. "TURN THE CURRENT UP!" I pulled at the neck chain but nothing worked it was attached to my neck. They pulled me and Vlad away from each other with chains. I watched the shield fall away and they yanked Vlad tossing him lazily over there shoulder his unconscious body lazing over the shoulder. I tried to scream I tried to cry out to Vlad, I kicked and cried. Unable to shift due to the small prick of pain in my neck pushing wolfsbane into me. I was unable to do anything. I just watched them leave with Vlad. My Mate my everything. Gone. Everything I ever needed Gone.

Gone and nothing I could do.

He's gone. I need to get him back. I need to get this thing off of my neck.

Meanwhile Queen Lucienas POV

Everyone watched our son being taken and the voltage turned up on Ingrid we watched her convulse on the floor. We watched her eyes lol about in her head until she stopped moving and breathing that's when everyone rolled into action, when anyone dared to move again. All of the Alphas helped bring Ingrid into the hospital wing. We saw all the injured the blood the dribbles of blood coming from her eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Drowning in her own blood we put her on her side the blood running off of the table onto the floor. We watched the doctor get the neck collar off of her we all saw the deep red marking where the collar was. We watched it waiting for it to heal, yet it didn't. I feared the most of Ingrid dying our little glimmer of hope that was gone.

I stayed with Ingrid until there was any sign of improvement that was nearly six hours later. When her neck began to heal her breathing began. Six hours of our baby boy gone, not so much as a baby now but still our little boy. Ingrid being here that was a blessing, we all watched her take away his pain. We all watched in amazement of how much pain she took away and how much she endured. How strong both of them are.

Suddenly her eyes flashed open blazing silver shock embedded into her face. She clutched onto my arm "he's gone!" Her breathing rapid, "Yes, but we are going to get him back." I assured Ingrid. 
"How, I'm useless, I suffer from flashbacks! I can't fight with an enemy because I get flashbacks they make me slow. Slow enough for an attack! The flashbacks start and I can't stop them." Her voice was hoarse and broken. PTSD echoed throughout my bones. "What exactly triggers this?" I asked cautiously. "When someone taunts me or takes something away from me that I love and cherish the flash backs start and all I can think about is the bullets that whizz by, the pain of everyone around me, the noises the bangs, the blood, screams and taunts. I lost myself because they all hurt." She held her head by pulling at her hair. "What helps?" I asked not knowing what else to say. "Vlad helped, he blocked out the noises the blood the pain. He saved me and I couldn't do anything to save him. I can feel everything that's happening to him, he's being pushed into a cell. I just hope that I can save him." Her eyes changed colour to ocean blue her wings to navy blue, black at the ends. "As queen I shall help you, as his mother I shall get my son back, as your friend I shall give you all of the warriors that you need to help. We shall kill all those who have hurt you as an alliance as a force so strong that the rouge wolves will cower in fear. When we attack the history books will begin writing what we shall do. Now Ingrid all I wish for you to do is to lead them, lead the warriors to win. Lead them to live, get your mate and my son back where he belongs. Bring Him Home." I watched the blue fade and it was replaced by pearl white wings and silver eyes determination had set in.

"I will get him back, I will get your son my Mate back home where he belongs be it alone. I will get him back." Her voice was powerful but it was more than one voice. "Lets go plan the attack Moon Princess." I called her name the evolved one. She is only ever born once every 3000 years she is special because she has been chosen to become the Moon Goddess.

We both had walked to the main room where everyone was a map of everywhere there's a pack and the territory that isn't owned. "Moon Princess you have to find him use the mate pull use his surroundings to guide you to where he is." She sat in front of a picture of Vlad one of him and her together smiling happily. It was on his birthday. He was drunk in the picture. She closed her eyes and began mumbling I watched her eyes moving under her eyelids. Until they flashed open and she pointed on the map to the place where he was placed under the rouge wolves. "He's here, they have an advantage if we go from the back however we have a plan." Still her voice was many. All of her sides were talking they were all determined to find there mate.

"We go from all around close in on them as a circle, he's split his people up into two, he has the strongest surrounding Vlad's placement of containment. He has the weak ones surrounding his other prisoners. I want a mixture of attackers I want skilled ones to be opposite us. We will be here." She pointed to the map. "We will in prison as many as possible if not willing you kill them. Is that understood. But you leave the Alpha the leader to me." She spoke with power voices were strong and everyone began rushing around the map stating there positions. "You stay in human form for as long as possible then when some have gone down or have been in prisoner you go full wolf. You loose control you have to trust your wolf entirely. Some people may think that's a terrible idea but trust me when I say once everyone is out I'm loosing the control and my inner selves are coming out. I don't want anyone near the rouges leader because I may hurt you. Innocent lives cannot be killed. These rouges will want to make you hurt but those who cower away into a corner you in prison them." Her voice was still the same but she knew what she was doing.

Ingrids POV
We are all here waiting to put the plan into action. All of the wolves were ready we were just waiting for the fog to fall that was when the night appeared. The thing that makes this so much harder is that it's a full moon. It's going to be difficult to stay in human form for long because of the moon. But we all know we all have the strength to ignore the moon.

Sunset was here and everyone was gearing up and we all were getting ready to leave. It would take us 6 hours to get there and a further hour to set up. So we were doing this tomorrow when the moon was high in the sky when they wouldn't think we would attack they'd be expecting us to attack because of the irrationality of pain. One thing you have to understand is that you do not take away the things I love. So you don't logically take away my Mate.

We all hid our scents and began walking stealth like because we knew they would know we were to walk this way the same way they went. "Aw looking what we got here a family outing." A rouge said a bit to loud, I made the tree bend down and bring him in front of us, the look of fear was so evident in his eyes. "Do you know what it's like to drown in your own blood?" I asked him pulling him up out of the dirt. His eyes looked fearful. He shook his head saying no. "Well it's like drowning in water, except one thing it's being produced by your own body it's like a never ending supply of blood and it won't stop trying to kill you." I circled him threatening his every move. "What what are you going to do to me?" He was so shaky I could smell the fear. "Do you want to know how it feels to drown? To have water fill your lungs? To have blood in your lungs? To lay there unable to do anything but watch yourself die? The acidic feeling of it burning into your lungs. How about bleeding out? Have you had to watch someone you love die in your arms slowly? You try taking there pain away but there's just too much? They ask you to do one last thing. Do you do it? Even if it's finish me off it's too painful? Would you be greedy and selfish to watch that person suffer?" I pointed a clawed finger at him he fell down and shook with fear. He was pale pure white. Petrified. "Why did you join the rouges?" I growled out. "He killed my wife and children and told me that if I went with him he could find my second chance."
"He's lying to you, all he can do is take life away, he hasn't found your second chance at loving. Join me and you get to travel the world to look for her to look for your second chance." He shifted into his wolf and lowered his head. He walked to the back of the pack warriors and walked with us. He too masked the new scent that filled his blood. The scent of peaches and plums. That means that he is no longer a rouge wolf.

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