Loving him

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We both showered and changed at roughly 3:45pm. It took us a long time yes. "Lets go get some food." Vlad said nearly walking outside with all but his boxer shorts on.

I growled lowly, "no you have to get some clothes on first."
"Alright I know why." He picked me up and spun me around slightly I waited at the door for him he came out with a shirt and bottoms on. Happy enough we both went down to the kitchen.

We got there and everyone was sat at the table. Everyone. I watched as Vlad kept me close holding my waist. Grant looked at me and Vlad. Everyone stopped talking and turned around to look at us both. Erin looked smug at me. Blade looked between us both. "Have fun?" Blade and Grant asked smirking. "We did have fun." Vlad stated pulling me closer.

The dull ache in my back was becoming greater.

"Vlad you have to show them your eyes." I whispered to him.
He closed his eyes and opened them to show all of them half neon green and half King Alpha red. "Oh my." The Queen and King spoke there hands laced together. Vlad blinked again making his eyes emerald green.

"Alright." They both agreed. We both got some food which consisted of fruit basically. Vlad got two apples and some grapes. I got strawberries and cream. I ate my cream and strawberries and the ache became dull again. Healthy food was helping the pain lessened.

"What's wrong there's pain in your eyes and in your scent?" Vlad questioned his eyes trained on me. "It's my shoulders and back they feel as though there on fire." I told him truthfully.

"It's like growing pains but not." I tried to explain. Vlad held my hand black veins appeared in his skin the pain became almost non existent.

We walked around for a while after just talking about nothing and everything. "You are alright aren't you." Vlad questioned for the 100th time.

Suddenly a pang of pain shot straight through me. I clutched on to Vlad's arm. "No, definitely not ok." I seethed through my teeth. I watched black veins appear on Vlad and watched them crawl up to his face. I pulled myself away from Vlad not wanting him to be in pain. Tears brimmed my eyes the pain becoming unbearable. I felt my skin start to tear.

The ripping sounds of flesh made my skin crawl, I felt liquid trickle out of my back. "Vlad... look at my shoulder blades!" I cried in pain. He ripped my shirt and pulled a handful of feathers from my back. Red from blood. I felt his hands on my back, he pulled some of the pain away. I then felt his hands pick me up from the floor and he carried me inside. I gripped onto Vlad's shirt. "Mom! Dad!" I heard Vlad's worried voice call into the castle. I heard footsteps and a slight scream. I opened my eyes and saw everyone, another twist of pain and we all heard a crack and I felt my shoulders dislocate. My K9's lengthened. I bit into Vlad's hand accidentally, his grip tightened and pushed my shoulders back into place.

They put me on a table, my teeth pulled out of Vlad's hand and into the table. Pain a strong sharp knife like pain in my shoulders shot out. I felt something start protruding out of my back. My skin starting to heal, I felt another wave of pain. I gripped onto the table sides they started to break. "Look her air elements are lighting up!" Alice yelled. The table came away with my hands. It was pulled from my grip and my hands went back to the table.

I felt the things start to grow everyone seemed to almost stop breathing. "Oh my god." I heard people mutter. "What is it?" I breathed. "Wings." Vlad muttered barely audible. "What?" I questioned not convinced even though it would explain all. "Wings." He repeated shocked as I was. "How do they work?" I asked. "That's about a good of question as I have." He replied.

Vlad carried me to a mirror and I saw two magnificent white and golden tipped wings. "There pretty." I mumbled. My body was now different, I was special yes did I want to be no, I just want to be like the other werewolves. "These aren't meant to be mine they are much to pretty." I spoke mainly to myself being let down from Vlad's chest. I thought about stretching my wings. Slowly one by one left first then right they started to extend out. They were long strong and powerful and yet I am not powerful mentally. I help those who need it even when they do not deserve it. I need to go home to my place of refuge when I was younger yet it's miles away it's what 6 hours away. All of those who I've left behind. Alex his name pained my heart slightly, Alpha Ajax he died as an Alpha, Mom my own kind caring mother, Dad my strong yet merciful father, Vlad's sister the princess the future Queen. All of those dead. Yet I still find happiness.

Small blips of anger, small blips of loss, yet the emotion I fear is not anger and is not guilt, the emotion I fear is disbelief. Not being able to believe the people who have helped, I have yet to feel this and I do not wish to.

I don't fear being loved anymore Alex removed that fear that planted back when he left, yet now Vlad has taught me compassion and love that they are to be let in.

I flicked around looking in the mirror. Vlad's hands running up my arms I walked closer to the mirror and saw purple swirls at the base where they joined to my shoulders they looked to change colour slightly.

"Can we go for a walk?" I questioned seeing it still daylight outside. "Yeah lets go if your feeling alright that is." He looked intently into my eyes. "Volo et praecipuum locum obtinere ab eo" I told him.
"Yeah we can go find a place to get away whenever we want to. In fact I can show you where I used to go."
"You've been doing your homework haven't you, Beta meus." His eyes darkened
"I'm only yours in that way Angelus lupum."
He called us Angel Wolf! Luna yelled at me hyperventilating. And we called him My Alpha! I replied almost annoyed at myself, and Luna for influencing me.

Vlad and I walked to a small path covered by a lot of foliage, he held my hand and walked slowly looking at everything in its green pigment. I heard a waterfall the soft calming breeze. The smell of Vlad washed through me. I watched as Vlad dipped his naked feet in the crystal blue water. I joined resting my head against his shoulder. I saw mocking jays above us. I whistled a tune it carried around us adding to the calming tone.

(The tune played)

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