Baby Haley or Bailey

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It's nearly time it's either this week or next and we decided to keep the gender a secret.
Fuck what was that?! I shot up out of the bed and screamed in pain. "What is it? What's wrong?!" Vlad yelled and then I felt another wave of pain and my teeth elongated and then I felt it.
"My my waters broke." Breathing barely he picked me up and I gripped onto Vlad tightly. I growled and yelled in pain.
Two hours later and still I lay in agony well in fucking thriving pain. It was like my body was being hit repeatedly with a fucking elephant! I suppose I was having a literal little human baby being pushed from my vagina. The pain was immense. A scream of my pain turned into a roar and my eyes shone brightly. Vlad sat beside me and he allowed me to hold his hand (broken four times) to of which was then broken another two times. "We have to wait until she's reached full contractions." The doctor spoke her voice relished in both upset and happiness. "What THE SHIT DO YOU MEAN!? Get this TINY HOMAN OUT OF MY BODY!" I yelled so loudly the entire room shook. "Princess it might upset either you or the baby."
"And BEING like THIS is AHhhh!" I screamed again and this time she started yelling "ok we're ready now Luna we have to start pushing baby out now ok. I need you to breath for me and push." I breathed in and then as I breathed out I felt the most intense wave of agony thrive over my body and tears escaped my eyes. "Princess it's gonna be alright ok I love you."
"Okay and again for me Luna." Again and again and again. Until we heard a loud cry and then all of the nurses gasped. "What is it?!" I gritted my teeth
"Can we have another few pushes again." Again and again and then we all heard yet another scream of a baby.
Twins?! "Twins?!" I yelled excitedly yet crazed.
"Yes Luna a baby boy and girl."
"Bailey and Haley." Vlad and I said at the same time. "Can I hold them?" I was handed a baby girl Haley and a baby boy Bailey.


2 years later

It's been two years since we've had our little angels. Bailey and Haley were both born with green eyes just like there daddy's emerald green eyes, yet Bailey's eyes were peculiar one was green and the other was brown. Both Bailey and Haley had my hair and Bailey seemed to possess many gifts of Vlad such as being gentlemanly he would go out into the back yard and come back in mud on his trousers carrying the most beautiful flowers. Haley she is definitely a mini me her attitude towards working hard even now as she's two she forces Vlad to take her with him to the office.

Just yesterday everyone was admiring the two baby twins and now they're admiring the two baby toddlers. I love my children. In spite of the fact we've had to re paint the walls fourteen times due to crayons and paints oh and Erin's makeup... yup a lot of things they manage to get a hold of now ends up on the walls on them on their clothes.

Merida and Max have had triplets 2 boys and one girl, Maximus Mila and Neeko they all are the cutest little ones. Maximus has blonde hair and Max's brown eyes, Mila looks like an exact replica of Merida and then Neeko looks like Max and we don't know how but he managed to be born with blue hair?

Alice and Dexter had twins two girls called Heather and Kate. Heather looks like Dexter and Kate looks like Alice. They are the most sweetest things ever, they help out the other 7 kids.

We all know that Erin and Blade are going to be spoiling little Sammy she's a sweet little girl with the brightest blue eyes and little blonde locks of hair she has a few strands of black in her hair as well.

Haiden and Grant both said they will wait a while because they all like the thought of just being adults and not parents right now.

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