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Esmeralda appeared behind me and she was fully charged with anger she shot some sort of tendril into me and vanished. I fell to my knees. The pain subsided and I stood as though nothing had happened. Little did I know what she had done. Is everyone alright? I asked to all of us inside. We should be. All of them answered. Well except for Electra. Electra? I asked her soft groan was all I heard in response. "Are you alright?" Daemon questioned when I walked back to the dinner room. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. I didn't want them to hurt anyone. I don't want to be centre of attention. I sat down, Vlad put his hand on top of my own. I had to force him to not take away the pain. Because then they would know. "It's alright to say if your not alright." Angelica spoke her hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine." I growled.

After the dinner everyone went to get changed into there after dinner wear, for the girls all but me it meant having to change entirely. So did Vlad. We walked together me not tearing concentration on not letting him take the slight pain away. I pulled my dress off to see a black pool in my stomach swelling, it grew bigger and the pain was growing by the second. Gradual though. Not quick it was slow, painfully slow. I heard the bathroom door open and I quickly pulled the other dress over my head. Lifting my arms I noticed it had grown to my arms. I pulled on my jacket. "Your gonna get to hot wearing that Princess." Vlad spoke concern laced his voice. "No I won't." I almost hissed at him. He pulled open the door and I walked out Vlad coming from behind. He pulled the jacket off and saw the black. "What's wrong with you?" Concern echoed throughout the hall. I gripped his hand. "She teleported and her she had tendrils she got me right here." I stated pointing to my torso. "Come on, show me the extent." Pulling him into the room I pulled off the dress. His fingers touched the centre of the black. I hissed out in pain. "Come on get something else on, and we're going to the elders." He informed me, I knew that I wouldn't win this one.

After changing again, we both walked down to the elders. Me in trousers and a crop top, Vlad in his three piece suit. He made me put on his jacket to cover my body until we got to the Elders. By now it was up to my neck going in odd patterns, I felt my wings pop out of my back. It didn't rip the suit jacket fortunately. When we were near and got down the stairs I tripped falling down onto the floor, feeling weak and feeble that was something I hated. What has my own mother done to me I didn't know what I did know was that it was killing me. It hurt to say but I don't think what she did was out of anger it was out of disrespect on her own child. Even if I had yelled at them telling them there no parents of mine, I didn't see what she did coming my own way. I felt everything though, I felt the wind, I felt the pull of gravity. All of the noise around me all of the voices of the pack members. I felt nauseated.

Everyone it was like they were standing right in front of me. What I didn't realise that whilst occupied by the voices of a thousand men and women Vlad had taken the liberty of plucking me up from off of the floor. He'd already walked to the elders me in his arms, strength seemed almost non existent to be needed. "Is she alright?" Angelica and Erin asked together.

Third Person POV
When they watched her hair turn black as well as the rest of her body. "Whys she changing colours?" Vlad asked her concentration loss meant that the pain he took away made black veins appear from his arms straight up to his face to his eyes and they changed to black. They had to rip Ingrid away from Vlad. They all took away some of the pain from Ingrid but nothing brought the black away. Sinister black. Deep twisted anger was held inside the centre, Vlad's eyes were no longer black but his vision was tinted almost as though he wore sunglasses. Everyone was watching Angelica check Ingrid's vitals it's when she opened her eyes and almost shot through the roof that's when they all peered over the top of Ingrid and lifted one of her eye lids open. Black and white all different. What was going on? Daemon spoke up as if to explain.

"The tendrils were a part of her, she's almost like Ursula off of The Little Mermaid. What she's done is something only her Mermaid side can fight off. Her mother and father are both hybrids. But what they didn't know was that they would give there daughter such a hard time growing up they had to ask Courtney and Jeffery here to block her mind from all her other sides placing them all under lock and key. When she left they knew she would have problems. The fire element they couldn't lock it away with her Vampire side it seemed to be welded to her soul. The only way for the fire element to be locked is if they ripped her souls from her body. But they couldn't bear to do that. The child grew in moist air so that it wouldn't be so dangerous. When she left not knowing complete control they feared for the supernatural world. So in turn I think that Esmeralda chose to rip her soul from her body. Taking the element with it. She's going to have to find a reason worth living." He brushed a stray hair from Ingrid's face. Vlad growled. "In turn of that when Vlad took away all the pain from the tendril she stole some of Vladimir's happiness." Vlad stopped struggling against Courtney's magic spell and stopped his hair falling lightly over his face. "She is my reason for my happiness." He mumbled on his knees. They let Vlad go over to where the girl lay gripping the table. He put both of his hand upon her fragile face and softly gently kissed her lips. "I love you." He whispered his forehead touched hers he felt the spark between them both he felt the tear run off of his face onto her cheek.

Everyone gasped around she began to twinkle like a diamond in the light of the sun. The girls trousers slowly tore away as her legs morphed into a tail a beautiful deep purpley blue tail. Then the girls body became crystal like. Pointed ears like elf ears. Ingrid's hair changed to beautiful deep red almost black with one highlight of navy blue in the front of her fringe. In her hand became a long silver trident. Her wings no longer feathered but looked to be able to carry her body through water almost like dragon wings coloured in purples greens and blues. She glowed soft blues and purples. "Please get me to water." Her voice rang out like a siren should it enchanted her mate his eyes glowed slightly captivated by the change.

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