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The elders were coming.

We were both mind linked to come back to the pack house because the elders were coming but so we're the other elders from the different supernatural creatures. The Vampire elders were coming, the angel elders were coming, the Witch elders were coming, the demon elders were coming and the elders of wolves. Our leaders were coming.

"Vlad I'm scared what if they don't like me?" I held worry in me, I saw my wings change colour to a dark purple, anxiety/fear. "They'll love you Ingrid I know they will." He pressed a soft kiss on my forehead. I felt the swarms of butterflies inside my stomach making my heart flutter.

Vlad and I walked back, hands laced together, my wings folded in the colour of white. When we arrived back we saw hundreds of people rushing around tidying up, cleaning, cooking. "Everyone stop!" I yelled no one did as they were told. I glanced up at Vlad his eyes darkened in colour and he let out an almighty roar of a king. Strangely I found this attractive.

Everyone stopped and turned to look. "Your running around like headless chickens! Please try to do this with some form of order it may get things done faster!" I lifted my hand and wandered into one room it was messy because of all the pointless things in it. I started to move the metallic objects first then I moved the other objects. I cleaned the room and saw many people standing jaws on the floor. "This room is almost done you just need to hoover it up, you each do one room each and it get the job done quickly." I strutted out of there and walked to Vlad's office. "What you did back there helped us out a lot, in spite of living in a castle we still manage to get this place untidy. And it takes weeks to tidy." Vlad said taking a seat behind the desk. The elders live in a castle all of them to discuss situations and get the best possible outcome.

Two hours later

"The elders are here!" A woman cried running to open the door, everyone came to the main hallway and stood to attention.

The elders gracefully glided across into one room, the main room. The demons were pale and had blood red hands and ears, horns the colour of red. Black eyes and sharp teeth they wore red and black tuxedos. The vampires were pale, red eyes, longish nails and black capes. The witches had greyed hair, purple eyes, purple lips, olive skin, short black laced dresses with black boots to match. The werewolves had golden eyes, olive skin colour, blonde and brown hair, wearing black and white tuxedos and dresses. The angels they had platinum hair, silver eyes, radiant skin, white clothing and a pure soul. I was nothing like any of them.

"Your going to be alright you just have to be strong like you always are." Vlad kissed my forehead and hugged me as we walked to the room where they were...

Terrified yes, could I show it, no. My wings were still white my eyes brown. "This is Vlad's mate, she's very special." Lucifer spoke with composure and gratitude. I held Vlad's hand as we both slowly walked into the room. I felt everyone's eyes boring into me.

"Child what is your name?" One of the Vampires spoke. "M-my names Ingrid." I mentally face-palmed at my stutter at the beginning. "Ingrid my dear there is no need to be afraid." Came an angelic voice. My body physically relaxed slightly.

"Ingrid, could you show us your wings and other special things." I glanced up at Vlad whose eyes had darkened slightly. I squeezed his hand and his eyes lightened.

Slowly I stepped forwards outstretching my wings. "She has the wings of an angel." Came a voice of the angel. Slowly I took off my jumper revealing the tattoo like symbols upon my skin. I turned around I blew a kiss to Vlad. I lifted the back of my top to reveal the spirit element. "Oh my." Cried all of the Elders at the same time. I felt my wings change colour to purple. Violently pulling my shirt back down I was about to put my jumper back on when's hand stopped me. It was a pale hand one that belonged to a Vampire. "Don't cover them just yet." His eyes flashed redder. I gulped slightly scared. I saw fear evident in his eyes. "My child you have the wings of an Angel and the soul, the temper of a Werewolf and Vampire, the strength of all of us combined, the element of the devil himself. It's almost as though your predecessors have made an evolved Moon Goddess. I have all but one question who is your mother and father?" That's a low blow I thought. His hand still was on my own. "My father and mother were both werewolves both lycan and both mates to one another from The Bloodmoon Pack." I stated fact. His eyes darkened and he removed his hand and hissed slightly at me. "Your brother, is he alive?" I growled unintentionally my eyes turning black my wings turning red Fire red. "I do not have a brother he killed all of them." I controlled myself my wings turning white again my eyes returning back to the brown.

"I see, that's the story of that one then." The werewolf chuckled slightly. "I'm sorry my family is a touchy business." I hung my head.
"It's alright." The werewolf said his eyes shining.

"My boy what is it that you have you have power radiating off of you." The werewolf spoke. Vlad slowly walked forwards his eyes gleaming emerald. He turned around and took off his shirt to reveal the Earth Element. I held back my wolf and bit back a growl. They also saw my mark it was a crescent moon with a wolf howling they also saw my mark. Identical. One of the werewolves pressed his finger on the mark, causing Vlad to his and growl, while I was on the floor my wings grey. "Fully mated." He smirked. His finger pulled away. I felt a witch try to toy with my elements. "Please don't I don't want anyone hurt." I responded to her magic.
I felt the pull of her meticulous stop.

"How come someone so powerful is so afraid of what she can do?" All of the elders questioned heads resting on their hands. "Because I have to control, I'm not like all of you, I can't find a way to stop it if I loose my control. My emotions toy with my elements. They go together hand in hand." A quite atmosphere came across the room.

"Even now you struggle to keep fear inside, anger inside. Yet you manage to keep desire and lust under control. You didn't mate because you couldn't control. It was because of come form of control. You just have to unlock all of the control." The Werewolf elder spoke. "We could push our emotions onto you and it could make you loose control." I felt the emotion in the room change to blue sadness. They were testing me.

"Even if you push your emotions they effect all of you. When one of you is sad the sadness radiates and effects all of you like all of the other emotions. They all change a person. I've dealt with nearly every emotion and I've learned to control and grow up with one of the elements. The one you said the devil gave me himself." I opened my left hand and felt the fire element glow red. A flame came out of my hand, it danced around my hand. I made it look like music notes. The music notes to a song I love to sing.

I listened to the song in my head more notes flowing out of my hand in the form of fire, they danced around everyone. They sat and watched in amazement. Excitement was in the air.

Forming two people out of the fire in the room already I made them look like my parents and they danced around the room before dissipating into nothing more than a distant memory.

"I learn control, but over time." I stated not realising that my hair was glowing red and my wings fire my eyes red. The element stopped glowing and faded slowly. The room was again quiet. "You may leave if you wish whilst we discuss some things." Lucifer said seeing the hurt in my eyes. "Goodbye for now." I bowed before taking my leave with Vlad hand in hand.

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