Meeting Luna

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Luna's POV
"I- I don't know what to say it's difficult speaking out loud like this. I'm Luna Ingrid's wolf side, it's warming to my heart to know that you all care so much about Ingrid. And Vlad knowing so much about her past our past and still you love us. You your something special you have a good heart. I would love to get to know Alpha your wolf."

We both shifted I felt normal now, my giant red wolf with my naturally red wings. His giant black wolf with black wings. His eyes captivated us all. They shone neon green and they had these tiny golden flecks. They glowed so brightly. "I'm Alpha, Vlad's wolf how are you Luna?" Alpha asked via mind link. "I am alright however Ingrid she still screams but not loud anymore she cry's at night." I responded with sorrow in my eyes. "What happens if we can't save Ingrid?" I asked fearful of the answer. "I I don't know." His wolf eyebrows moved down to create a frown. "Let's not think of such things. Come on let's go for a run." I concluded that conversation.

The wind going through my fur. The screaming no more. I had to call out to Ingrid. Ingrid are you there? I asked there was a weak voice. I am okay, I'm here I'm right here. Just want to get some rest. Her voice was fading out to until I felt her inside my head sleeping not peacefully.

Walking both of our giant paws hitting the ground. Leaves changed to reds yellows and browns. Vlad's black fur shone in the sun. He turned to look at me. His wolf smirk pulled me close to him my snout in his fur.

"It was nice to meet such a loving wolf Luna I have to ask is here anything I should know about the darker sides to Ingrid?" Vlad questioned scared almost. "Watch out for the Demon she'll try anything to get out and destroy everything." I felt the dark energy surrounding her the realisation that she was being spoken about. "Well let's go back my Princess." Vlad spoke we both ran at the same speed through the forest to the castle. I smelled something odd, like singed fur. We both heard a deep growl a menacing deep snarl. We spun and saw a now black wolf singed fur coat. The eyes of our brother. I growled challenging him. He stepped forwards and snapped his jaws together. My fire element glowing making me burst into flames. I felt Electra inside of me trying to burst through the walls. I stepped forwards and not down into his shoulder. He yelped out in pain he bit into my neck slightly helping Electra. Vlad's growl was heard for miles around and suddenly the wolf before me was in a tree blood spilled from his middle where the bite mark of an Alpha was left. Vlad's mouth was glowing green along with his eyes, the earth seemed to hold his anger. "Vlad?" I asked unsure. When he turned to look at me his eyes softened he ran to me and hugged me wolf to wolf.

"Wasn't ready for that one." I said shifting to my human form making my fire dimly glow around Ingrid's body to give her clothes. "Clothes are here." He threw some leggings and a baggy shirt at me, catching them both I pulled on the leggings and opened the shirt to see it was an old cartoon shirt from England. "Vlad who went to England I thought the packs over there hardly allowed others due to there last attack." I saw the made in England label. "They're easing up now traveling around more, the biggest pack there remaining to say that we are all one sorta hippy thing." He shrugged his shoulder before turning around. Half changed.

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