Secret meeting

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I was mind-linked that I had to head out to get the rest of each pack. We got onto the aircraft carrier and flew off. We arrived at Star pack and the people climbed aboard, they were mainly all females. We arrived at the Blood Sky pack and brought on the people and then picked up all of the other things we needed. We then flew to the Lightening pack and picked up there pack. The aircraft was full and someone yelled "Someone help she's gonna be sick!" I ran with a sick bag and tossed it too the member. The scents in here were strong. An omega was on the floor, crying in a corner. "Are you alright?" I asked pulling the omega up off of the floor. "Yeah just the beta he rejected me of the lightening pack and my days are now numbered."
"I'll train you to become strong and we will have another shot at this Mate business."
"Hey leave the pup down there!" A strong voice yelled. My wolf took over and I snarled and growled "you ever call her a pup ever again and I will kill you, I'll tear you limb from limb!" He paled over before collapsing to the floor.

"Thank you Luna Ingrid." The omega closed her eyes "Erica by the way." She breathlessly stated before she passed out.

When we got back to the Castle everyone went there separate ways, I was in my room I had unpacked this time when I heard a knocking at the door. "Vlad sent this for you Ingrid." The servant said his head held high.
'If you wish to talk then please meet me at the river, at midnight, I want to show you something. From Vlad x'
I read the note then the servant left I decided on getting 30 winks before having to go again.

I was floating in the air when I woke up. I didn't think anything about it I only managed to float back down to the ground when I saw it was nearly midnight. I fumbled around looking for a light switch when I felt water on my hands. What in the world? I switched my eyes to my red eyes, I was in the woods in my clothes, I was near to the river.

I walked around to the front of the river and saw a massive emerald eyed wolf. I nearly had a heart attack when I heard the bones snap and a splash in the water. "Vlad is that you?" I called almost hopeful. "Yeah it's me. Sorry if I gave you a scare. Come into the water." I slowly took off my shoes and hoodie stepping into the cool water it was cool against my hot skin. I glowed slightly. You could see steam fly off of my feet as I walked further into the water. I felt something twinge slightly before I then felt someone grab me. "It's only me, I I want to tell you something but you have to show your scent and let your wolf take over." I nodded
Luna you can take control.
Alright but as soon as one foots out of line you throw me and pull yourself forwards.
She took control of my human body and I felt tingles tingles like when Alex was alive I felt confused and at the butterflies in my stomach and the tingles where his body was next to mine.

Vlad's POV
I asked her to come here because this is where she feels most at rest, when she came into the water I felt her warmth take over the cold pool generating enough heat to turn the river into something warmer and cleaner. It was blue pure blue when she was near it I saw earlier. Her scent was still masked and her eyes were still very dull brown. I was told they once sparkled. Because of how strong her connection with her wolf was.

When she unmasked her scent and her eyes changed colour to flame red one changed in colour to purple, then the other eye. Tingles swept throughout all of my body. Her eyes watered and tears slowly fell down her face. Her body morphed and I felt the water drop and her lips turned blue, her hair turned to light purple. I watched the water form a snake up her arm. She was resting entirely on me, the water seemed to try pull her down. I pulled her out of the water and the water around her arm still was there still snaking around her arm. It moved to her torso and you could see it vaporise. The heat on her skin warmed up and her body became blue then red. Blue water from the lake pulled me away.

Suddenly her body seemed to be pulled into the river, a bubble of water encased her body, I got out of the river my eyes wide. The ground seemed to shake slightly as I walked the ground started to pile around me holding me tight my wolf pulled forwards and ground trapped my hands and feet I couldn't move.

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