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Two rouge wolves jumped from the tall trees. "Quite the entrance." I stated, they growled at us all. Using the Earth element I made the ground envelope there legs into the earth. "Why are you on his side when you could have so much more?" I asked walked closer to them. "Because he made us strong he makes sure that we don't disobey our mates we have not find because they are not real." They both said twins they were. "Mates are real, that's why we approach because he has my Mate he has the person who gives me strength. He hurts your mates by making you both think that you do not have any. How would you feel? Hurting because one of you was lost." One of the men broke into tears he had black hair and pale blue eyes. "What would happen if he saw you now? Would he hurt you? He would wouldn't he." The crying mans tears were falling fast, and fire was licking around my hands, his brother was also slightly crying, the smell of fear strong, "He would call us weak."
"Well crying all it means is that you've been strong for so long. Come join us make him pay for what he's done to you." I removed the Earth from there legs and they too changed into wolf form and morphed together to make an even bigger wolf.

It was midnight now and we all saw the camp fire over the top of the cell. Concrete of course. I had the artificial charge in my pocket I was learning how to control it and now it charges me instead of drains me. We hid making sure all of our scents were hidden and we formed the circle. Everyone in place.

During the day we all hid high up in the trees. We made sure that on one was seen or captured. We took it in turns to sleep and keep watch. I clipped the charge onto my wrist and it charged me entirely at sunset I ripped it off smashed it to pieces and then threw it where I knew it would be found.

About an hour later the fog rolled in and the pieces of the charge were found. It was dark by now any sightings of the sun were non existent. It was dark even being a werewolf, the moon watched us with curiosity and the people in the centre of it all had no idea. We were ready.

Slowly and quietly we ran being careful of our step, we formed the circle and everyone started to close in at a run we then started to sprint. Loads were running around screaming like what do we do and it was funny. We took loads out and when I got to the cell I ripped it into two and the walls folded down to reveal a very hurt looking Vlad, there were fresh cuts carrying his blood to the floor, his hands still bound by the charges cuffs. I ran over to him and ripped them in two it shot out a charge into me I took the charge and I used it too heal Vlad. I healed him fully. The leader was seen and Vlad was held back away from me by people on my side. "I'll get him." All of my sides spoke with determination as my fire element awoke all the others. All of them glowed in different colours and they all gave me strength. The fire that grew around the centre was setting a nice viscous angry scene.

He removed his red hood and it revealed the leader. "Brother." I hissed his status with venom. "Sister." He smirked. "Prepare to meet your match maker." He growled at me he threw electromagnetic chips at me embedding into my nuclear skin. Nothing would hurt me though, I'm something else something from his worst nightmares, something that will see his demise.

He started to run at me, I started to run at him I took him out punching him repeatedly in the face. He pressed a button and suddenly I was blown off him and he was then on top of me punching me with force of a hundred pound bar of chocolate. I heated my body up and it burnt him to touch my body to hit me so he stopped. "W-what are you?" He spoke before his eyes shifted to an amber and his body started to form a shape of a wolf. I have to make this fair, I thought to myself.

We shifted and charge at each other, he seemed to burn under me. My wings were red on fire. My eyes multicoloured. He growled kicking me off of him he went to go for my throat but missed by far, as I moved my head at lightening speed. He shifted back and he still had shorts on, I shifted back making the fire into a dress. He simply looked with fear in his eyes. He recovered and he kicked me in the gut sending me flying. I landed on my feet and breathed out a fireball, I removed my hand from the dirt stood and I lifted my right hand lightening seemed to start swirling around us, he growled again attaching himself to me. I gripped onto his head and the lightening charged straight from the sky to me all I could see was blinding light. I smelt his body burning to a crisp. The lightening continued and it churned around me my body glowing. His body fell to the floor I let go of his now singed hair and realised that I had killed the last of my family that I had grown up with until aged 17. The light didn't dim but brightened. My bones were charged with electric and my body was still glowing.

I dropped onto my knees. "Control." A voice spoke making me calm making me feel calmer. "You have won this battle go home to celebrate take Vlad home with you and make sure you give Lunciena love and admiration for making you stronger, daughter." It was my mother. The light stopped and I stood. "We have won!" I yelled.

Military Wolf Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ