Full moon

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Tonight I let Luna take complete control, tonight control would be lessened. "Control is something we all need, however few wolves can stop themselves from hurting others or finding there mate." I glanced to Vlad and he looked at me.

"What about if your wolf was grieving?" I asked Queen Luciena.
"If you were lucky enough to have another mate it would mean that your wolf would want to start its heart again. Your wolf would want to move on." Luciena continued.

We were all preparing for a territory run when a small boy the age of 10 came in running. "Mommy is stuck in the well she fell when the ice melted. Please come quick!" He took me by the hand and lead me to a small well big enough for someone to fall into. "She's down there? Is there water down there?" I asked the small boy. "Yeah there's a foot of water!" Yelled a voice from the bottom of the well but it was an old crooked voice. "She isn't your mother is she." I coldly looked at the boy. "Your right and I'm not 10 years old either. I'm all but an illusion of all your minds." He vanished into black smog and the woman's voice faded away black smoke coming from the well. "What the?" I questioned I watched the black smoke rush into the air and dissipate. I tried to hold the smoke back with my air ability but to no avail. We all saw something float out of the well. A feather. A pitch black feather.

"What is that?" I questioned picking it out of the sky. The black on the feather rubbed off to reveal a golden feather. "Alright people lets go back the suns going down!" We all ran back inside and I showed the feather that was vanishing to the Queen before it was weirdly absorbed into my body. "Okay. Everyone ready?!" Queen Luciena and King Lucifer asked as people started to morph and change shape, the moon rising it shone on me and my eyes changed colour, my bones started to snap and mould into something new. My wolf.

I stood taller than all the others, my fur changing colour to red and fire. My strongest element. The flames seemed to change colour slightly to a purple. To rainbow. Back to purple flames and stayed as purple. My eyes a pretty mixture of colour. (The picture)

Let me forwards. My wolf demanded I let her in control making sure to build a small wall to block me from getting easy control. I saw Vlad and I saw everyone else illuminated by the glowing of my fur. The King started to howl, then the queen, then Vlad. My wolf started to howl it was a howl I had never heard. Vlad's eyes looked to be trained focused entirely on me. I stood and walked over to him my paws padding on the floor. My head hit his shoulder his scent actually intoxicating me quickly. My wolf was moving on and yet I couldn't. We all started to stand and walk to the territory edge we began walking running around playing messing around...

Sorry that this chapter is so short.....

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