Dinner Party

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Meeting them all would be terrifying. Yet we had to because of my attack on the rouge wolves. There's going to be two more there special guests as such so the table is going to be massive.

I was much better than before when I was puking up the drink I downed last night plus all the other drinks. Playing with the water made Maddison feel alive for some reason. "Come on we all need to get ready." Haiden was rushing around. "What time is this dinner?" I asked looking at the time "1pm Princess." Vlad said cleaning up the room. "Haiden it's only 9:30. It won't take us 3 and a half hours to get ready." I stated facts. "Well I know but I want us all too not rush." She spoke softly. "Good idea." Everyone agreed.

Alice and Dexter went to there room,  Merida and Max almost ran,  all you could see of Haiden and Grant was there dust cloud, Erin and Blade slow walked up the first flight of stairs and quick walked down the corridor to there room. Vlad and I walked to our room. "Vlad who's the special guests do you know?" I asked turning on the shower. "No I don't know mum and dad refused to tell me." I huffed a little and stripped off to get into the shower. "Vlad you coming in or waiting until after I've been in?!" I yelled over the water. I heard the door close and In walked Vlad to the shower. "Saving water." I stated pulling him closer. I felt Maddison and my wings popped out of my back but they were different to feathers much more like fairy wings. "Your wings are different?" Vlad stated before gently putting his hand over them. I felt them tingle at his touch. "Come on we need to get ready." I almost stuttered biting my bottom lip. "Jeez don't do that." Vlad rubbed the back of his neck. "Do what?" I smirked biting my bottom lip again. He kissed me roughly. "That. Is. Why." He spoke through kisses. "Alright now we really do need to get ready before your hands turn to prunes." I patted his head.

After we had showered it was 10:10am. I lightly dried my hair when there was a light knock at the door. "Hello?" I quizzed opening the door slightly. It was Alice. "Who is it?" Vlad asked walking around naked. "Vlad get something on seriously its Alice!" He dove under the covers. "You forgot these." She held up my favourite necklace and black high heels. "Thanks Alice." I said watching her leave. Vlad poked his head out of the covers, "she's gone." I giggled his messy wet hair and green eyes captivating me. "Princess control Luna and yourself." I laughed turning around dropping the towel. "Now you control yourself." I heard him stand. "Right." He breathed I could sense his lack of control. "Vladimir control yourself." I spoke and felt his own control coming back to him. I pulled on my strapless bra and black underwear, Slowly carefully placing on my black dress.

"Vlad could you tighten the straps

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"Vlad could you tighten the straps." I asked he almost tripped over thin air and tightened my straps. "You look so beautiful."
"Please, I haven't even finished yet." I turned to look at him. They wandered up and down his body. "You look, so fucking good." I gripped the dressing table fighting for control a tad. My eyes blazing pink. "Princess I haven't finished." He pointed to his messy hair and his bare feet. "Alright alright now please let me control myself." I pushed him away slightly. You could feel the sexual tension between us. Another knock at the door. "Who is it?!" I yelled curling my hair. "Max! Can I give Vlad something?!" Vlad walked over to the door and opened it slightly. "Thanks man." The door closed.
"What did he give you?" I sounded like a puppy. "Haha he gave me my shoes, we all left them in the car now that I remember." He laughed sitting on the bed. He pulled on his socks and undid his shoes. "Your staring again." He mumbled. I turned around and finished curling my hair. I'd already finished my makeup now all I had to do was put my shoes on.

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