Water and earth

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Unknown POV
They were both trapped. One in earth encased so tightly. The other encased in water barely alive. Her heart had stopped beating, his heart beating only barely after that shock of discovering his older sister was killed by rouge wolves. I know all, I know that they both will fall in love and they are destined by some events. By some events they will become closer than they think, he wants to get to know her and she just doesn't want another to die.

Her wolf Luna is a very powerful wolf, however her mother had someone put blocks in her mind to stop her becoming to powerful before she could learn control. Removing the blocks is what I do. I am the one who put them there. Remember me.

Remember who I am for I shall be in the future, remember me because I am an important person. Remember that I'm unknown to all, within a snap of my fingers millions can die. However I am the placement of good not evil, I am here to help others. I pledged my honour and soul to the Moon Goddess. She helps in some of what I do. The thing that's going on now, that is to help them. Them being both.

Goodbye from me for now. I am the unknown, I give you something to remember me by the unknown. Remember my name as The Unknown.

Ingrid's POV
I was in the water and I still hadn't come out but it felt like it was energising me. Feeding me power, I knew something was holding me above the lake, however I do not know what. I tried to look to my left where the prince had started going however the water wouldn't let my head move. I heard someone scream, better yet I heard them rebound off of something. I heard them fall to the floor and I heard a crunch of bones. I started trying to move even more. I don't want this to hurt anyone. I found myself falling into the water, water rushed around me. The water seemed to cushion my fall.

"Vlad?!" I yelled seeing all but a mound of earth shaped like Vlad. "In here." His voice was deep and yet so light because of his lack of oxygen probably. I started to rip away at the earth on him. "Are you alright?!" I yelled scared.
"Yeah I'll be ok." His voice was becoming stronger now. I saw his hand and I started to pull his hand seeing more of him. "Hang on!" He cried as a dim green light started to flair from his body. I stood away unfortunately falling into the water. I couldn't swim back up to the top. I was holding my breath feeling water hold me down it wrapped around me like a water snake.

Slowly I felt the need to breath the need for air, I tried to keep my mouth closed but upon instinct I opened my mouth the water burning as it went down into my lungs. It burnt at my throat. I felt it fill my lungs and suddenly I didn't need to breath, I felt my body get hot and I saw a colour a light blue glow emitting from my body. My fire though! I started to feel my body shut down slightly. A desperate hand pulled my from the river holding me. "Your alright, your alright." Vlad was speaking in almost sobs his body cold. I started to heat my body up to give him warmth. He hugged me close my body glowing a slight red. "I said learn from it not try to die to understand it." Lucifer ran outside seeing Vlad in all but a pair of trousers and me in my usual attire of a strapy black top with cammo jeans. King Lucifer attempted to come close to us when a blue and green band stopped him coming near to us. "What in the?" Lucifer questioned the band around us both protecting us from him.

I heard a piercing high pitch sound. I jammed my hands over my ears and so did Vlad my wolf and I couldn't take it any longer and I felt my ears pop and it had made Vlad pass out. My wolf shut my body down the pain in her ears too much. I felt hands grab me and pull my body away from Vlad. I felt my body hit a soft warm marshmallow.

I felt like I was falling, falling into nothing. I flared out my limbs flying about everywhere. "Wow, steady!" Erin yelled in a Beta tone.
"Remember your position Beta!" My wolf spoke taking over control. "Sorry Erin it just slipped out." Her eyes changed colour briefly. "Why are your eyes purple?!" Erin's voice ring out scared fear prominent. "What! All of that actually happened?!" I felt my body become colder and water pushed its way out of my hands water snake like things curling around me. Flames burst around my body. "Go get the Queen please Erin, and Hurry." I muttered stumbling over my words.
"She's having trouble with Vlad at the minute earth is shooting out of him trapping his hands to the ground." Water began to flail along with my fire. Balls of water and fire formed in my hands. "What's happening?" I asked fearful. "I don't know, we can go see Vlad maybe it will calm him down. He didn't shoot out earth when you two were together." My wolf came forwards my eyes changing colour and my bones snapping. No we have to stay human!
But we stay as human then the next full moon I want full control which is in 4 days!
You can have control complete control!
I felt her smile at me, we walked to Vlad's room, the blue and red glow somber in my body.

I knocked on the door, it opened slowly, a low mutter too low for me to hear due to the ringing in my ears. The door fully opened and I was ushered inside and Vlad his hands were covered by rock and mud attached to the floor. "Vlad?" I questioned I could see his chest heaving up and down. His body warm very warm, a sweat glistened on his skin. His eyes shone emerald green, earth green a vibrant green showing in his chest. "terra elementum est in anima."
"The earth element lies in your soul." Erin converted it to English knowing I didn't mean to speak in Latin. Knowing it was a dead language, but I knew it off by heart it came to me like English.

I watched the glow fade and become much like mine somber and his hands were released. "How did you do that?" Queen Luciena asked. "I spoke Latin it calms the elements down, it makes them become easier to control, it may be a dead language but it helped my fire and helped keep the water element under lock and key." I focused my hand on water and it formed a small ball of water in my palm.

Vlad leaned on me his buff self leaned against my own sturdy self I struggled getting his body into the bed, I made sure his head didn't hit the frame of his bed. "I turn 28 soon I'm having a party and your coming too." His speech was worn out and tired. "For now you have to rest, then I'll help you control your element." I placed a kiss on his forehead before leaving ignoring the familiar sensation of tingles and explosions in my body. He can't be? Can he? Alright I'll come clean he is our mate, Alex was the first he's the second. The Moon Goddess has chosen us to have a mate for a reason. She knows something, but you can't go around shouting he's our mate. Wait until the full moon I'll do it then. I've got a plan. I felt sadness and happiness. My eyes flicked from brown to purple. "Ingrid or Luna whoever it is, listen you have to go down to the training room because your in need of training." Erin stated fact.
"Alright let's go." With that we both went down to the training room. I started punching the punching bag...




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