Stay alive chapter 43

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"Where is my son!" Alexander yells at the doctor.
"Mr.hamilton come on he lost a lot of blood the bullet hit him in the upper left side." The doctor said.
"Can I see him please!" Alexander yelled.
"Yes but the wound was already infected when he got here."
Alexander rushes into the room. Seeing Philip almost lifeless in a pool of his own blood.
"!" Philip tried to say"I did exactly as you said pa! I held my head up high."
"Shhh! I know. I know."
"Ahh I know you did everything just right.."
"Even before we got to ten...I was aiming for the sky...I was aiming for the sky..."
"Shhh keeps your strength and stay alive!"
             ~back at home~
You hear someone knock at the door and you see who it is.
"Mrs Hamilton come quick this is a emergency you son he's in trouble." The doctor says trying to catch his breath.
"PHILIP!" I rush out and I jump on my horse and ride off to see Philip.
~where Alexander is~
"NOOOO!" I yelled.
"Is he breathing is going to survive this who did this ALEXANDER DID YOU KNOW!" Tears rolled down my face.
"Mum I'm so sorry for forgetting what we've done..."
"My son.." I held onto Phillips hand.
"We played piano..."
"I thought you piano.."
"You would put your hands on mine...." Philip said coughing up blood.
"You've changed the melody in my life." I said as I started to cry.
"I would always change the rhyme..."
"Shhh! I know i know!"
"I would always change the rhyme..."
"Shhh! I know i know!" I took a deep breath and started to sing what me and Philip played on the piano."Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, sept, huit, neuf."
"Good." I started to count backward again as Philip tried to stay strong.
"Sept, huit,nuef...." Philip chocked up the words and couldn't speak more.
I keep repeating those numbers."sept,huit,nuef..." I started to tear up. I hugged philips lifeless body. Not letting go."I'm sorry my baby..."
Alexander puts his hand on my shoulder as I nudge him away.
"It should have been me! I would have trade places with you!" I cried. The doctor wanted us to leave but I couldn't leave my son.
I stayed there for 2 hours but then I had to leave. We arranged the funeral as it will be held in 2 days in the morning.

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