not an update

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Hey guys! Long time!

So Wattpad is finally working fine on my phone but the drafts of the next four chapters got deleted during the upgrade. I didn't save the chapters anywhere else :( So now, I got to write them all over again.

The thing is, real life got extremely busy and writing the same thing again is more difficult for me. So please bear with me while I find the time to start writing it again.

I'm going to put this book on hold till school gets a little less busy. I know this sucks but I'm sooo sorry!! :(

It's going to be a while before I update another chapter. By a while, I mean like 10 - 15 days. I blame it on school!!! Sorry guys! I hope you understand 🤒🤒

I love y'all!!! ♥️♥️♥️

Update May 14, 2018 : Yo peeps! Thanks a ton for your supportive comments ♡ I wanted to let you guys know that I started updating again :) Hope you like the future updates.
Love ya loads ♡♡♡ - ara

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