chAPter ThirtY

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A/N : Hey! First of all, I want to say thanks a ton to everyone who came back to read this chapter! :D  I realize how long it's been since I updated. Same excuse as always, real life got busy. Sorry guys! Anyway, here's the chapter, so enjoy! And leave votes and comments if you want to! xoxo


PLAYLIST : Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift

     I woke up the next day with a sleeping hand from holding the phone in my hand all night

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     I woke up the next day with a sleeping hand from holding the phone in my hand all night. Seeing the phone in my hand brought back memories of last night's conversation with Derek. I remembered saying weird stuff and making a fool of myself. I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. Thinking about it would only embarrass me.

     Did we end the conversation or did I just doze off while we were still talking? I probably dozed off while he was still on call. I tried to remember the reason he called me. I think he said something like being bored. Eh, he probably called another girl after I slept.

     One glance at the alarm clock showed me how little time I had to get to school. I hurried along but arrived late to school as usual.

     I was looking less and less forward to school. There were a lot of things going on in school that I wanted to stay away from. Like Shayna and Derek's relationship. Then there was Cabe. I should've been flattered with all the attention he was giving me. Cabe was one of the popular guys in school. But no! And Suzy - the bully in my biology class. Gosh, she never got tired of passing the same old snide remarks. It was beginning to get on my nerves.

     Since I ratted her to Mr. Crosby for stealing Olive's assignment, she started being meaner towards me. I so wanted to get back at her. And I did get a chance to do just that.


     The day passed by slow as a sloth and eventually, it was the last class of the day, biology. Everyone had left and I was still sitting inside writing down some notes. After getting my work done, I grabbed my books and stuffed them in my backpack. I was the last one to leave the classroom.

     I got up and started leaving, when I noticed a bright pink object sticking out from under a desk. Wondering what it was, I went to have a closer look and saw that it was a diary. One of the students must've forgotten it or dropped it while leaving. I picked it up and flipped the cover to check the name of the owner so I could return it to them.


     I was surprised to see the name of the person the diary belonged to - Suzy Fowler. Suzy kept a journal? Astonishing!

     I realized that I was holding in my hand Suzy Fowler's diary. An involuntary chuckle escaped my mouth. The thoughts of all the times Suzy humiliated either Olive or me, came back to me. I just struck gold. I got the chance to get back at her. I could do with her diary what she did with my pics.

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