Chapter 97

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The next few months are fairly boring. They would have left Massachusetts far sooner if Dean didn't have physical therapy. As it is, heading for Los Angeles in November is probably pushing it, but Dean lacks the motivation to keep going back to physical therapy every week.

The first day they arrive, they grab a bite to eat from McDonalds and head straight to their hotel room, hiding out for the rest of the evening.

The next day is when the fun starts. The two head out of the hotel together, ignoring all the cameras trained on them. They're mostly just ordinary people that happen to recognize the two, and Castiel can't tell ordinary people to leave him alone.

They make it to the recording studio with very little difficulty from the paparazzi. He notices a few professional cameras trained on their car, mostly at stop lights, but that's to be expected from Los Angeles, especially now that word is out that he's here. No one's gotten pictures of him at all since he and Dean went out to eat about six months ago, so the both paparazzi and his fans are getting desperate.

Recording songs is actually really fun with Dean around. As Castiel plays them on his guitar, making sure he knows them well enough to record them, Dean dances around and mimes the lyrics. As Castiel records them, Dean videotapes them, sending each one to Lucifer when they're done — per Castiel's request, because he feels bad, not showing him the songs from his last album until they were released.

Castiel is just finishing recording the third song when he gets a call from none other than Lucifer. He puts his guitar down and then answers it, putting it on speaker before setting his phone down.

"What's up?" Castiel greets him.

"Heya, Cassie!" Lucifer says, sounding excited. "Working on a new album?"

"Where'd you get that idea?" Castiel asks teasingly.

"I'm psychic," Lucifer replies. "Am I gonna get a sneak peek at the finished product, or just the acoustic versions?"

"Actually, the acoustic versions are the finished product," Castiel explains. "I'm totally halfassing this. Old songs, acoustic guitar, no promo, no singles, no tour."

"You're not releasing any singles?" Lucifer repeats.

"Nope," Castiel replies. "Just the album itself."

"So no music videos?" Lucifer guesses.


"Well, I guess it'll make your album more of a shock," Lucifer says. "No sneak previews and all that."

"Am I crazy, or do you sound disappointed?" Dean asks.

"Oh, I didn't realize there was a Dean there," Lucifer says. "Hi, Deano!"

"Hi, even though you didn't answer my question," Dean says.

"I know it sounds like I was avoiding the question, but I was actually just saying hi," Lucifer says. "I'm a friendly muffin who can't not say hi to people."

"That's still not an answer," Dean remarks.

"That's true," Lucifer agrees. "I'm not disappointed, I'm just... Well, yeah, I'm kinda disappointed, just 'cause I wanted to direct another video, but it's not like this is crushing my soul."

"If you really want to direct a music video, I can probably find a song that a music video would work with," Castiel offers.

"You don't have to do that," Lucifer says. "I mean, you totally can, and I definitely won't complain if you do, but you don't have to."

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