Chapter 141

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"Dananana dananana dananana na. Dananana dananana dananana nana. Dananana dananana dananana nana. Ay, macarena!"

Alex, who had been struggling very much with the concept of the macarena, bursts out laughing at the end.

"And we do it again!" Dean says. "Dananana dananana dananana nana. Dananana —"

"Daddy!" Alex yells, running over to see him.

Dean looks over to see two very amused brothers. He seems unphased by the fact that he was caught, and says a casual, "I was teaching Alex life essentials."

"He said we failed as parents because she didn't know it," Claire adds.

"Everyone has to know the macarena," Dean says with a shrug.

"And the fact that she's only 22 months old is not important," Claire adds sarcastically.

"Of course not," Dean says. "Age is just a number — in this situation and this situation only."

"You know what I think you should teach her?" Castiel asks.

"Knowing you, it's probably gonna be astrophysics or Bon Jovi, and I don't know which is worse," Lucifer says.

"Of course not!" Castiel balls his hands into fists and puts his knuckles together. Separating his hands as if they're talking, he sings, "Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo. Baby shark —"

"Doo doo doo doo doo doo!" Alex joins in.

"If she knows Baby Shark, you have no excuse for not teaching her the macarena," Dean says.

"Next you're gonna say she should know Cotton Eye Joe and the Cupid Shuffle," Claire says sarcastically. "She sings, she doesn't dance."

"Dance!" Alex yells.

"Yeah, dance," Dean agrees. "Ready? Dananana dananana dananana nana!"

So they continue doing the macarena, because Alex is a child dancing prodigy.


"Let's watch a movie," Lucifer says randomly that day, though, honestly, he never does anything that's not random, so no one should be surprised.

"Yeah!" Alex squeals.

"Oh god," Dean groans. "What movie are we watching now?"

"The Bee Movie?" Castiel guesses.

"Nah, we watched that last week," Lucifer says. "Pick a different movie, any different movie."

"Any movie?" Dean repeats, rubbing his hands together like a stereotypical evil genius.

Lucifer steps away slowly. "Mommy, come pick me up. I'm scared."

Alex tugs on Claire's shirt. "Pick Daddy up!"

All the adults burst out laughing at that, though Alex doesn't seem to understand what's so funny.

"I don't think Mommy can pick Daddy up," Dean says. "Daddy's a little too big for that."

Lucifer coughs into his hand to disguise his words as he says, "That's what she said."

Dean slaps him on the shoulder. "No. Bad Lucifer."

"You can't get a Michael Scott to stop Michael Scotting," Claire says with a shrug, which is apparently a funny joke because Dean and Lucifer laugh, but Castiel is just as confused as little Alex. Fortunately, just like Alex, Castiel is used to being confused a lot.

"What movie did you want to watch?" Lucifer asks him. "Bearing in mind that there's a child here and it just be child-friendly."

"I know that," Dean says defensively. "What, you thought I was gonna say Deadpool or something?"

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