chapter 30

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My first week at Grey Mental Health is over and done with, it has been tiresome, but I loved every second of me working alongside Dr Pepper and Maya. On Tuesday Dr Pepper invited me to sit in with her with one of her new patients, a sixteen year old boy struggling with his parents' divorce.

It was not easy to get him to open up to us, he only talked when the doctor asked him questions, but he gave the shortest answers ever. I could tell that it wasn't easy for him, it's hard enough to talk to one person, so two in a room could be a bit overwhelming.

Dr Pepper said I should take over next Tuesday and see if he will open up to me, most children trust young people than adults so we are hoping it works out.

Through the entire week, I sat through Dr Pepper' session and took notes. After the session we would go through my notes, and she guided me through it all. Before the day ended I would go to Maya and we made reports and filed the notes in the clinic's system. The files were confidential, with each doctor's files password protected.

It was important to protect each patient's information and only the doctor and their assistants have access to the patient's information. Some of the sessions were not easy to sit through and listen, especially to young people.

"Victoria, what do you want to specialize in, have you decided what field suits you best?" Dr Pepper questioned me on afternoon.

'I am still debating between educational and developmental psychology, professional psychology and clinical psychology.'

"Why those three, if I may ask?" She smiled.

'I believe a lot of mental health issues in adults can be avoided if we try to help children, especially those from broken homes.'

"I agree with you, so what are your plans after graduating?"

'I am thinking of doing my masters right away, I have already send out applications."

"You know, I did the exact same thing and I can assure you that it's the best decision."

Noah was the one who encouraged me to do my masters right after graduation, instead of taking a gap year like I wanted. His argument was that I might lose sight of my dreams, which I scoffed at. He also made a good point by saying that if I do my masters it will be easier for me to get a job faster than with a degree.


It's 6PM when I get home on a Friday, after work I went to buy some groceries, I'm running short on a lot of things so I went straight to the shops after work. I am spending the night at Hade's place tonight, we haven't seen each other since Monday morning. We have been texting and calling, Hade is done with the case that was taking all his time so we decided to spend the weekend together.

I lock my door behind me and go to the kitchen to unpack the grocery, putting everything in it's place before going upstairs to unpack my toiletries. I also bought some lingerie at Victoria's secrets to surprise Hade, he keeps saying he will wait till I am ready, but what my boyfriend fails to understand is that I have been ready for weeks now. Speaking of Hade, let me text him and check if he has arrived at home.

Hey baby, are you home yet?

Yes love, I just arrived.

Did you end up going shopping?

Yeah, I went straight from work.

Why love? I thought we agreed that we will go together tomorrow so that I can also shop for my place.

I know🙈 but I had to buy something so I ended up buying groceries too. We will buy your groceries tomorrow.

Now I'm curious, what did you buy?

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