Pilot-Part 1

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The sun shines through Jaylan's window as her alarm goes off. Her hand comes out from under her covers smacking it while groaning.

Elena: "Wake up Jay, Bonnie's gonna be here soon." She says passing Jaylan's room making her groan and flip over in her bed with her back facing the door "I will get the bucket." She says walking away as Jaylan flips onto her back sighing

Jaylan: "Alright fine. I'm up." She says getting out of bed to get ready.

After getting dressed she searches her room for her bag moving toys all around

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After getting dressed she searches her room for her bag moving toys all around. Her phone beeps from her pocket making her pull it out to see a message saying "Love you!" making her smile before going downstairs

Jenna: "Toast. I can make toast." She says as Jaylan comes downstairs to see her running around the kitchen going over to the coffee maker

Elena: "It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna" she says as Jaylan holds up her cup and takes a sip out of it

Jeremy: "Is there coffee?" he asks walking into the room and taking Elena's out of her hand as she snorts into her cup cup

Jenna: "First day of school, and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?" she asks holding out money to Elena who shakes her head and Jaylan and Jeremy take the rest of the money.

Elena: "I'm okay."

Jenna: "Anything else? A Number 2 pencil? What am I missing?"

Jaylan: "Don't you have a big presentation today?" she asks leaning against the counter

Jenna: "I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...Now. Crap." she says looking at her watch before taking her hair down

Elena: "Then go. We'll be fine." she says as Jenna leaves

Jaylan: "Bye" she says taking another long sip from the cup

Elena: "You okay?" she asks looking at Jeremy

Jeremy: "Don't start." he says walking away as Elena sighs

Jaylan: "Just give him time. He'll come around" she says taking another sip of coffee and then they hear a honk outside as she puts her cup in the sink and grabs her bag and jacket "Bonnie's here" she says going outside and greeting Bonnie as she gets in the front and they wait for Elena

Bonnie: "So Grams is telling me I'm psychic. Our ancestors were from Salem, witches and all that." she says as Jaylan looks over at her and give her an amused look as they both laugh a little "I know, crazy, but she's going on and on about it. I'm like, "Put this woman in a home already." But I start thinking, I predicted Obama, and I predicted Heath Ledger. And I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands." she says and then looks through the mirror towards Elena "Elena, back in the car." she says making Jaylan look back at Elena and then at the front

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