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Tyler: "All right, later, man." He says walking out the building towards his car
Man: "See you, bro."
Vicki: "Hi, Ty." She says startling him when he gets in his car to see her in the passenger seat
Tyler: "Whoa. Vicki? Everyone's looking for you."
Vicki: "I know."
Tyler: "What's wrong, Vick?"
Vicki: "I'm so cold."
Tyler: "You on drugs? Everyone thinks you're off on a bender."
Vicki: "I wish."
Tyler: "What happened in those woods? Those kids that were killed. What did you see?"
Vicki: "I'm so scared."
Tyler: "Come here. It's okay. I'll take you home." He says hugging her
Vicki: "I can't control it."
Tyler: "Control what?"
Vicki: "I am so hungry, Ty. And it won't go away."
Tyler: "What are you on? What drugs did you take?"
Vicki: "I want it. I'm so hungry, Ty."
Tyler: "Okay, look, I'll get you something to eat. Just sit back. Let's just get you home. Vicki. What is wrong with you. Vick. Unh." He says as she attacks him making him fall out the car
Stefan: "Vicki, no!"
Vicki: "Let go of me! Unh!" She yells as Stefan pulls her off
Tyler: "What's going on here Stefan? What's wrong with her?"
Damon: "You don't talk." He says appearing behind Tyler
Tyler: "Screw you, dude."
Damon: "Dude"? Really? "Dude"?"
Stefan: "Damon, don't."
Damon: "Oh, come on. Who's gonna miss this idiot?"
Stefan: "He's Brielle's father."
Damon: "She'll be better off without him." He says shrugging his shoulders
Stefan: "That's not for you to decide." He says as Tyler punches him but it doesn't do anything
Vicki: "Don't you hurt him."
Damon: "Forget what you saw here tonight. None of us were here." He says compelling him before throwing him on the other side of his car

" He says compelling him before throwing him on the other side of his car

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Caroline: "I have got your costume. It's all here." She says walking with Jaylan over to Bonnie's locker
Bonnie: "Seriously?" She asks pulling out a witch hat
Caroline: "Ahh, come on. Can someone please be excited that it's Halloween? I just wanna have fun. You know, just some silly, fluffy, Damon-free fun." She says leaning against the locker
Bonnie: "What did you get?" She asks looking at Jaylan
Jaylan: "Wilma."
Bonnie: "From the Flintstones?"
Jaylan: "Yeah it's a duo costume for me and Brielle when I take her trick or treating" she says as Bonnie pulls out a necklace from the bag "Hey isn't this the one you got from Damon?"
Caroline: "Yep," She says looking at Bonnie "Wear it, toss it. I don't care. I want it gone. Have you seen Elena? Do we know what she's wearing?"
Bonnie: "I was with Grams all weekend. I haven't talked to her. Maybe she's with Stefan."
Jaylan: "Doubt that but knowing them..." she trails off shrugging her shoulders
Caroline: "Riding to his castle on his white horse?"
Jaylan: "Oh, don't be bitter. It provokes wrinkles." She says squeezing her cheeks playfully while laughing
Caroline: "Heh." She says slapping her hands away



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