The Descent

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Damon: "Well hello there

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Damon: "Well hello there." he says answering the door for Jaylan making her smile at him
Jaylan: "Hi." she says wrapping her arms around his shoulders pulling him into a kiss
Damon: "Mm" he moans into it "Good morning. How was your night?" he asks pulling away from her
Jaylan: "Probably just as eventful as yours. You guys going for a new look or something?" she says pointing to the broken window
Damon: "Uh now. I may have pissed off another werewolf and they might've tried to take revenge last night." he says making her eyes widen and smack him in the chest
Jaylan: "What!? So this whole time you we're giving me the "talk" about being careful around Tyler, looks like you needed one two. Did they bite you?" she asks looking him over
Damon: "No she didn't. I'm good."
Jaylan: "Thank god." she breathes out in relief
Damon: "But..there was a complication." he says slowly
Jaylan: "What?"
Damon: "I think it'd be better to just show you. Come on." he says taking her hand and going to grab some blood before pulling her into the room where Rose is sitting on the couch making her eyes widen at how badly she looks
Rose: "I was born in 1450, that makes me 560 years old."
Damon: "Well, if you were a bottle of wine-"
Rose: "So I can die. I've lived long enough."
Damon: "You know if you're gonna be maudlin, I'm just gonna kill you myself just to put me out of your misery. Come on, it's just a little werewolf bite."
Rose: "Just a little fatal-to-a-vampire werewolf bite."
Jaylan: "You got bit? Are you okay?"
Damon: "She's fine. And besides that's all according to legend, which is a notoriously unreliable source. Drink up. Blood heals." he says handing her a glass
Rose: "Yeah" she says taking a sip "It does feel like it's working."
Damon: "Let's have a look. Come on. Let me see." he says as she turns her back to them and he pulls the shirt down to show the bite that grew making Jaylan look at Damon in shock
Rose: "How is it?" she asks making Jaylan and Damon have a silent argument with her pointing at the bite and him giving her a look to lie
Jaylan: "Uh, definitely better." she says after Damon gives her another look
Damon: "Right, Elena." he says as they see her come down the stairs
Elena: "Um-it's not bad."
Damon: "Where's Stefan?"
Elena: "He left. I need you to talk to him. He's convinced he has to find Isobel, but that's gonna upset Elijah."
Damon: "No can do, I'm with Stefan on this one. But if you two could play nurse for a little while-" he says motioning between the three girls
Rose: "It's not necessary."
Damon: "It is necessary. Elena's a do-gooder and Jaylan has that whole hot mom instinct going for her. It's in their nature, they just can't resist." he says walking out the room making Jaylan follow him
Jaylan: "Damon" she says getting his attention before lowering her voice "Is she gonna die?"
Damon: "Probably" he says nonchalantly making her look at him incredulously "The wolf bite caused some kind of infection. It's getting worse."
Jaylan: "Like a poison?"
Damon: "I don't know, Jaylan. I'm not an expert in the field."
Jaylan: "Do you know of any way to help her?"
Damon: "I'm gonna go try to find one. And anyways it's not a big deal. Death happens. We come, we go. Sooner she dies, the better. It's gloomy as hell in here." he says kissing her cheek before leaving

Rose: "I hate this. I'm a vampire. I haven't had a cold in five centuries." she says as Jaylan and Elena bring her upstairs to Damon's room
Jaylan: "Just get in bed."
Rose: "We don't get sick. When we die, it's fast and sudden. And it's certainly not drawn out with an illness."
Elena: "You're not gonna die."
Rose: "Such a human thing to say." she says as her and Jaylan watch Elena look around the room
Jaylan: "You've never been in Damon's room before, have you?"
Rose: "Not what you expected." she says as Elena picks up a book from the nightstand
Elena: "It's just a room with a bed. Maybe I expected there to be silk sheets." she says making them laugh
Jaylan: "Pretty sure he has a pair hidden in here somewhere." she says looking around the room
Rose: "You're lucky, you know. No one's ever loved me the way you guys are loved."
Jaylan: "Well, I doubt that. Girl as beautiful as you?"
Rose: "Trevor was my best friend. Nothing more. I spent all those years on the run from Elijah. I just never thought it was a good idea to set up roots. The whole idea of family is not exactly compatible with being a vampire" she says laying down further in bed "Why are you so eager to give up?"
Elena: "I'm not giving up on anything. Here." she says handing her a glass of blood
Rose: "What do you call this whole deal with Elijah?"
Elena: "I call it my best option."
Rose: "It's your easiest option."
Elena: "That's not fair."
Rose: "You really think that your witch friend destroyed the moonstone?"
Jaylan: "We talked to Bonnie and she had the help of another witch."
Elena: "Assuming it's Elijah's witch, so no I don't."
Rose: "You really are determined to die, aren't you? At least I ran. You're not even trying. I'm so tired" she says closing her eyes as Jaylan tucks her in before her and Elena start to go over to the door but she stops them :No, stop wait. Tell them to prepare the horses."
Jaylan: "It's okay, Rose. just get some sleep. You'll feel better when you wake up."
Rose: "Trevor, don't be so stupid we're never gonna make it there before the sun" she says before sitting up and opening her eyes "Elena. Elena, I need more blood."
Elena: "Yeah. yeah, of course. Here." she says handing her the cup
Jaylan: "It's okay. Everything's gonna be alright." she says rubbing her shoulder before Rose looks up at Elena with hatred in her eyes
Rose: "It's all your fault, Katerina. You, Katerina, you did this." she says pinning Elena to the wall making both girls jump in surprise
Jaylan: "Rose wait, wait. It's Elena."
Rose: "You betrayed us."
Elena: "I'm not Katherine." she struggles out
Jaylan: "Rose, Rose look at me" she says taking her head in her hands making her look at her "It's not Katherine."
Rose: "Elena?" she says coming out of it "Oh my god."
Elena: "It's me. It's Elena."
Rose: "Oh, my god, Elena. I'm so sorry. I don't know what's happening to me."
Jaylan: "It's all right. You're gonna be alright." she says bringing her back to bed
Rose: "My mind, I'm-"
Elena: "It was just for a second."
Rose: "I'm sorry. Don't be scared of me." she says laying back down
Elena: "I'm not. I'm not, but you need to rest."
Rose: "I'm scared."
Jaylan: "You're not alone. We're right here."
Rose: "Here. Where's here?"
Jaylan: "Damon's bedroom. You're in Damon's bedroom."
Rose: "I wanna go home." she cries out
Elena: "Tell us about it."
Rose: "St. Austell. Thirty kilometers south of London. All fields and trees and horses."
Jaylan: "Sounds beautiful."
Rose: "When you live long enough, everything disappears. So much time wasted. I just wish I hadn't been afraid." she says closing her eyes making the two look at her sadly

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